Byline: Sebastian Kitchen Mayor Lenny Curry and the owner of a historically troubled...Kitchen, Sebastian
Eureka Fallon Fernley Henderson Incline Village Las Vegas Mesquite Mill City North Las Vegas Pahrump Reno Sparks Tonopah Topaz Lake Wells Wendover Winnemucca New Hampshire Bow Concord Dover Franconia Hampton Hudson Keene Lebanon Lincoln Londonderry Manchester Merrimack Mount Sunapee Nashua North Conway Plai...
“One of the things that he had done on that first record was, he objected to the dirty guitar tones, ’cause we’re just these idiots from Eureka [California]; we don’t have any real equipment,” Spruance recalls. “Really just crappy amps, crappy instruments. So he hired out a...
Vallas, 67, who had represented District 2 since 1981, last attended a council meeting Oct. 16. He returned to the city from vacation Feb. 7, he said. Under state law, if a council member is absent without permission from all regular city council meetings within a 60-day period after t...
He wants a two-term limit. He wants the mayor’s rotating stint limited to one year, instead of the current two. He wants them to call themselves the City Council, not the Board of Directors. And he wants them to list in public what they spend on travel. ...
the building’s future was uncertain. The school district plans to vacate it when renovation of its newCentral Office Administration buildingat the West Campus is complete. In May 2011, it was revealed that the City Council was planning tofollow suit. Old City Hall requires a seismic retrofit,...