Those traits are true of HOTHOUSE, a performance work from 2023’s Dublin Fringe. Written by Carys D. Coburn (co-founder of the award-winning collective, Malaprop), the theatrical statement piece loosely strings together generational abuse, repressed feelings, and Rachel Carson’s 1962 book ...
Dublin City GuideDelightful and full of surprises, Dublin packs a blow that, delivered correctly, will leave you a shock. Dublin, locals will tell you, has personality, which is much more important than good looks and will last far longer. That’s big talk for a small capital in true Iri...
Edoardo Peniche Dublin, Ireland98 contributions 3 Sales man in the street cheat/lie to us! I work in a global organization where customer service is the most important element of success and I’m sure is the same for the Big Bus company. Un...
Van de Voorde, T.; Ven Der Kwast, J.; Poelmans, L.; Canters, F.; Binard, M.; Cornet, Y.; Williams, B. Projecting alternative urban growth patterns: The development and application of a remote sensing assisted calibration framework for the great Dublin area.Landsc. Urban Plan.2016,167...