While hiring an additional person on your team can help reduce your hosting duties, using a property management software can be a more cost-effective option. The Mashvisor vacation rental software can help you optimize and automate a lot of aspects of the Airbnb property management process. Thes...
TagsAlabama,beitthemeans,Birmingham,Brad Hardisty,Brother Cane,Byron Sonnier,Carnival Season,Communicating Vessels,Daniel Long,Danny Everitt,Jesse Payne,Kendra Sutton,Mark Beasley,Music,Peter Davenport,Rought Trade,Scotty Lee,Secret Stages,Taylor Hollingsworth,The Bottletree,The Great Book of John,Univers...
As you can see, calculating the occupancy rate for a single property for one or two months is easy. However, things can get pretty complicated if you want to know the occupancy rate of an entire area to know where to buy a profitable investment property or to compare the performance of y...