The meaning of CULVER CITY is city southwest of Los Angeles in southwestern California population 38,883.
One Culver captures the energy and creativity of the entertainment, media and technology industries, where business and culture converge.
Discover the latest Architecture news and projects on Culver City at ArchDaily, the world's largest architecture website. Stay up-to-date with articles and updates on the newest developments in architecture.
英语缩写“90230”在日常中通常被用作"Culver City, CA"的简写形式,其中文含义为“CA卡尔弗城”。本文旨在全面解析这个缩写词,包括它的英文原词、中文拼音(kǎ ěr fú chéng),以及它在英语中的使用频率、分类( Regional 缩写词)和应用领域,例如ZIP Codes。"90230"的中文解释是,它代表了位于...
The City Council of Culver City has adopted an interim ordinance that limits the height of new buildings to 58.5 feet, with an additional 13.5 feet allowed for architectural features and mechanical or electrical equipment.
View a list of personal trainers and fitness instructors currently teaching at Alliance Culver City. Proudly serving the Culver City and West Los Angeles areas!
Culver City 美 英 网络卡尔弗城;佛城;被埋葬在加州斑鸠城
洛杉矶城市介绍-卡尔佛城Culver city 被誉为洛杉矶最受追捧的郊区之一,卡尔弗城(Culver City)拥有各种引人注目的景点,一流的餐馆和风景秀丽。这个繁荣的社区,被洛杉矶包围,是一个真正的大熔炉。卡尔弗城(Culver City)以其城市魅力而著称,深受城市居民的喜爱。Culvercity总人口39,353人, 其中白人65.26%, 亚裔15.58%其...
Culver City是一座位于洛杉矶市区的城市,面积约为5.11平方英里(13.2平方公里)。该城市以影视产业和新媒体产业而著名,拥有全美最大的互联网造星平台Maker Studios,为内容创作者提供数字版权管理、商业化变现、目标受众的培养、交叉推广、品牌赞助、营销等服务。此外,Culver City还有许多高端餐厅和酒吧,...
城市:Culver City 价格:$2,395,000基本讯息: 4房4浴2车库,建于1924年, 实用面积2,018尺,土地面积 4,798尺, 8分小学, HOA 为$0, 地税约1.1%。详细信息:位于卡尔弗城艺术区的华丽现代住宅!地理安静的林荫小径尽头是一座小型的卡尔弗城公园,提供运动场地和儿童游乐区。这座3卧室住宅经过彻底翻新,拥有宽敞开放...