Club, The RiverCoetzee, Barry
Globally, around a third of people who have access to sanitation defined as ‘improved’ by the JMP have connections to sewerage systems with no waste treatment. Only 6 percent of Nigeria’s urban homes have their own toilet connected to a sewer, yet 39 percent of provisions are deemed ‘i...
As one branch of the city’s essential services, Gloucester DPW is busy serving the city during this pandemic. Sanitation, disinfecting and water management are critical public health priorities. Regarding construction and infrastructure work, the Governor gave specific instructions that limit construction...
In January 2024, the Central Business District of Cape Town, South Africa, endured a historically brutal day of heat: temperatures climbed to 44 degrees C – the highest ever measured in the city. But on that same day, people in other parts ... ...
In January 2024, the Central Business District of Cape Town, South Africa, endured a historically brutal day of heat: temperatures climbed to 44 degrees C – the highest ever measured in the city. But on that same day, people in other parts ...92...
asking for ten cents’ worth of Prussic acid for the removal of moths in a sealskin cape. Bence’s testimony would be allowed at the Preliminary but lucky for the Defense, dismissed as being too remote in time at the 1893 trial. One has to wonder howBence felt about that. His evidence...
Working with the waste pickers : Asian approaches to urban solid waste management Reports on several community-based initiatives to upgrade waste removal from Asian cities while improving the lot of those urban poor (often children) who already earn a meagre living from waste recycling. Three projec...
This slum settlement study basically covered three main aspects: (1) physical condition, assessed on the basis of dense residential buildings with low quality building construction, low-patterned road networks, general sanitation and malfunctioning drainage, and inadequate waste management; (2) the ...
Downpours are increasing in frequency and severity due to climate change. Cities are particularly susceptible to flooding from downpours because of their large share of impervious surfaces. Minimising pluvial flood risk requires all involved stakeholders