City Refunds $1 Million in Red Light Fines – Are Other Cities Also at Fault?
As CBS 2's Kristyn Hartman reports, thousands could see their refunds disappear, because of unpaid city fines. Glenn Popelka said he got a letter from the city about losing part of his tax refund over unpaid fines just two days after the City Council passed an ordinance authorizing the proc...
Or the driver’s app that navigates the best route, pays your toll/congestion charge and fines, then pays for a parking place, using feeds from traffic information, car parks etc. • Interfaces to services need to be two-way, so apps can automatically pay road tolls or citizens can ...
Drivers Paid D.C. Millions in Improper Fines; City Owes Refunds in 829,000 Cases of Double Billing Since 1981, Auditor SaysHamil R. Harris