I worked closely with youth activists of Sunrise Cambridge to introduce the Green New Deal zoning petition, which creates a framework for accepting emissions offsets from commercial developers to create robust green jobs programs and economic opportunity for the most vulnerable members of our community...
This “Kawila restoration” was responsible for creating an urban spatial template that built on the earlier history of the city but ef fectively amounted to the creation of a new Chiang Mai. The urban conf iguration created under Kawila would, in the latter half of the nineteenth century,...
have been central to economic geography research for more than a century. Geography scholars have always recognized that economic activity and knowledge are distributed unevenly over geographic space. In the early years of the research tradition, the focus was on understanding how land use, rent, an...
This node is indicated with white color in the map to represent the role of it with is an open space for people of the Fareej to gather. It is obvious from the proposed plan that this node is connected to each of the blocks of the same Fareej and to the surrounding blocks. One of...
Seismic microzoning has been effectively implemented using this strategy in several urban areas (e.g. Panza et al., 1999), including, for example, Rome (Fäh et al., 1993), Valparaìso (Indirli et al., 2011) and Cairo (Hassan et al., 2020), with applications of engineering relevance...
After classifying the data, it was projected using unified projection coordinates and 30-meter resolution images of forest, cultivated land, grassland, water, and unutilized land. In order to meet the format requirements of FLUS, nine driving factors were processed by ArcMap. 2.3. Analysis methods...
Hiller, B.Space. Space in the Machine; Press Syndicate, of the University of Cambridge: Cambridge, UK, 2007. [Google Scholar] Sheng, Q.; Yang, T.; Hou, J. Continuous Movement and Hyper-Link Spatial Mechanisms——A Large-Scale Space Syntax Analysis on Chongqing’s Vehicle and Metro Flow...
Figure 2 is an exemplary flood zoning map of a fluvial extreme event with a return period greater than 100 years (HQextrem), which was developed by a group of graduate students for the Liblar-West area in Erftstadt based on the recommendations of the Department for the Environment, Food and...
Table 1. Anthropogenic Heat Emission Magnitudes of Various Urban City Centres Compared to Darwin. According to the ABCB climate zoning, many major cities in Australia fall into different climate zones [44]. Melbourne with a mild to cool temperature range falls under climate zone 6 and 7, Sydne...
this is what’s best for the developer or best for the zoning board to make the decision, but having that really wide perspective”. Therefore, public libraries seem to have become integral to developing smart citizens by providing versatile and safe spaces for informed community engagement and ...