Paul–Bloomington Metro Area, 3,690,261. History Sioux and Ojibwa peoples were early inhabitants of the area. In 1680 the Franciscan missionary Louis Hennepin passed the site, and in 1766 explorer Jonathan Carver probed a nearby cavern (since known as Carver’s Cave). In 1805 Lieutenant ...
He would then have a total of $26000 to buy a reconditioned used mower to replace one that has a bad motor Motion by Bryan Joyce second by Jackie Jurgens to move the money. 4. Update from Tim Hogan Arena and Rec Director: a) Tim would like to update the ice-skating usage rates so...
Bloomington, Indiana This popular Midwestern college town shines in the winter: The IU Jacobs School of Music puts on its famed Chimes of Christmas production, the quaint Fountain Square Mall is dressed up with elaborate lights and holiday decor, and the surrounding hills, forests, and lakes are...
Box 68, Green belt, Maryland 20770 Thurs., June 5, 1986 Citizens and Discuss City Budget by Diane Oberg In passing the city's 1986/87 budget the council must decide whether to cut expendUures, how much of the city's unappropriated surplus to apply to the current budget and ...