Birthdate of Cracow native and hold of Ph.D from the University of Heidelberg Joseph Hirsch Dunner, an expert on the teachings of Abraham ibnEzra,the Chief Rabbi of North Hollan and the recipient of the Order of the Lion Netherlands.
Although it has been a long, arduous journey, first purchasing the property in 2013 and waiting for a permit that didn’t go through until the end of 2018, it was a thrilling prospect to be able to revive a great vineyard, which allowed a woman to thrive during a time when her gender...
The Turlock Irrigation District Board of Directors will meet Tuesday to vote to approve a five-year lease agreement for the... Denham Sworn-in to Third Term in U.S. House of Representatives by TCN Staff - January 10, 2015 0 U.S. Representative Jeff Denham (R...
The PVA receives 116.5 Mm3/yr as vertical recharge, plus 196.8 Mm3/yr that enters as a horizontal flow into groundwater from the surrounding aquifers; 43.62 Mm3/yr have an anthropogenic origin produced by leaks in the distribution or drainage networks and irrigation. The above three flows total...