All ofthe projectswe discussed in Part 1will make a dent in Austin’s ever-escalating affordability crisis, but that’s unfortunately all they’ll make – a dent. In 2017, City Council committed to building at least 135,000 housing units over the subsequent decade. Before moving on, I’m... City Dashboard Une plateforme, vos informations essentielles : votre City-dashboard! Le meilleur de l'information en un seul lieu. Arrêtez de perdre du temps à ouvrir des dizaines d'onglets ou d'applications pour consulter les dernières actualités le matin. Météo, tra...
A plan to produce housing aligned with the City of Portland’s Housing Production Strategy is underway. “Our city, like metro areas across the country, has changed dramatically in a short period of time, and it’s time to take the wheel back. History will not define these years by our ...
In fact, there are hundreds of Kansas City-based roofing companies – and many are so-called “storm chasers” or “carpet bagger” roofers that simply drive into town following storms, and driving right out of town with your warranty and any hope of service. When choosing a Kansas City ro...
We've been hearing so much about a housing affordability crisis in cities like San Francisco and New York. Yet if people decided tonotlive in the most expensive parts of the city, their affordability would go way up! For example, instead of paying $4,500 a month for a two-bedroom apart...
[51,52] Initially, KBUD was implemented as a form of urban development in small cities only. Then, it was developed and applied with large global knowledge bases such as Austin, Barcelona, Helsinki, Manchester, Melbourne and Singapore. Recently, there has been an increase in the application ...