hiroshima the liveliest city in japan中对广岛描述的词 Hiroshima: The Liveliest City in Japan Introduction: Hiroshima, the capital city of Hiroshima Prefecture, is a vibrant and bustling metropolis located in southwestern Japan. Renowned for its rich history, cultural heritage, and remarkable resilience...
Hiroshima—the “Liveliest” City in Japan Background information Hiroshima is the capital of Hiroshima Prefecture, means "Wide Island" in Japanese. Hiroshima gained city status on April 1, 1889. On April 1, 1980, Hiroshima became a designated city. As of 2006, the city had an estimated popu...
Lesson Two Hiroshimathe Liveliest City in JapanHiroshima lies on the delta at the head of Hiroshima Bay, an arm of the I
Hiroshima is the capital of Hiroshima Prefecture,and the largest city in the Chūgoku region of western Honshu,the largest island of Japan.It became best known as the first city in history to be destroyed by a nuclear weapon when the United States Army Air Forces(USAAF)dropped an atomic bomb...
1、Hiroshima the “Liveliest” City in Japan Additional background knowledge. Introduction to the Passage . Detailed study of the text. . Appreciation of the text. Exercise- discussion I . Additional background knowledge1. The city of Hiroshima 1) Hiroshima: Broad island 2) Its location: on ...
The Liveliest City In Japan Summary Hiroshima is the capital of Hiroshima Prefecture,and the largest city in the Chūgoku region of western Honshu,the largest island of Japan.It became best known as the first city in history to be destroyed by a nuclear weapon when the United States Army Air...
Hiroshima—the"Liveliest"CityinJapan .1 Hiroshima ˜Location ˜ –touristresorts–deliciousfood .2 ABriefIntroductionofHiroshima(its geographicalposition)HiroshimaliesonthedeltaattheheadofHiroshimaBay.Itisaseaport,thecapitalofHiroshimaPrefectureinsouthwestJapan.Itisalsoanarmoftheinlandsea..3 Today’s...
Hiroshima—the“liveliest〞CityinJaApbaonutthecity ThecapitalofHiroshimaprefecture;thechiefindustrialandpopulationcenteroftheChugokuregion.BythebeginningoftheWWII,itwasthe7thlargestcityinJapan.At8:15a.m.onAugust6,1945,thefirstatomicbombwasexplodedoverapointnearthecenterofHiroshima,killing71,000people.Manymoredied...
Hiroshima–the“Liveliest”Cityin Japan ⅠAdditionalbackgroundknowledge Ⅱ.IntroductiontothePassage Ⅲ.Detailedstudyofthetext. Ⅳ.Appreciationofthetext. Ⅴ.Exercise-discussion 膝内外翻支持带的被动牵拉会导致髌骨内缘的骨折,属于髌骨疲劳骨折,即多次较小的髌骨受力所致的逐渐发生的骨折 ...