City Hunter is a manga series written and illustrated by Tsukasa Hojo, based on a hard-boiled comedy theme, depicting the activities of a sweeper "City Hunter", a pay-for-hire sweeper of justice who undertakes the roles of the detective, bodyguard and assassin in Shinjuku, Tokyo. As a mod...
Hunterpedia 2,569 pages Explore Main Page Discuss All Pages Community Interactive Maps Recent Blog Posts Media Manga List of Chapters Story Arcs Timeline Yoshihiro Togashi Anime List of 1999 Episodes List of 2011 Episodes Screenshots Galleries Music Departure! Reason Hy...
City Hunter: Regia di Yûichi Satô. Con Ryohei Suzuki, Misato Morita, Masanobu Andô, Asuka Hanamura. Tiratore eccezionale e playboy impenitente, l'investigatore privato Ryo Saeba si allea malvolentieri con la sorella del suo defunto partner per i
City Hunter: With Akira Kamiya, Kazue Ikura, Yôko Asagami, Tesshô Genda. The adventures of Ryo Saeba, a gun-for-hire living in the Tokyo metropolis, who will take on any dangerous job as long as it involves beautiful women.
Unleash the hunt with NECA's Predator collectible figures, featuring iconic characters like the Jungle Demon Hunter and City Hunter, crafted from durable PVC for fans 18+.
City Hunter: Shinjuku Private Eyes: Directed by Kenji Kodama, Amber Lee Connors, Norimitsu Suzuki. With Akira Kamiya, Yôko Asagami, Tia Lynn Ballard, Dawn M. Bennett. Private detective Ryo Saeba is hired to protect the daughter of a scientist that rec
NOT GOOD ITEMS, GREAT ITEMS✨:Predator Figure Celtic Masked Scar Predator Boar Shaman Lost Snake Stalker Guardian Jungle Demon City Hunter Neca Alien Figure PRODUCT PROPERTY:✨ 1: Material used for our product is pvc.The scale is 1/12.The puppets type of our product is model.Our product ...
名称:Anime City 类型:模拟,抢先体验 开发商:Shoujo City Developer 发行商:Shoujo City Developer 发行日期:2024 年 12 月 15 日 抢先体验发行日期:2024 年 12 月 15 日 访问网站X YouTube 查看更新记录阅读相关新闻查看讨论查找社区组 嵌入 抢先体验游戏 ...
Story 3: Battle City (part 1) (Story (ストーリー) 3 バトルシティ(前 (ぜん) 編 (ぺん) ) Sutōrī San: Batoru Shiti (zenpen)) is an arc in the Yu-Gi-Oh! anime. In the English dub, it has been referred to as Battle City Duels and Rulers of the Duel.
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