Diwali is now just around the corner and if you’ve left your holiday shopping until the last minute, don’t stress, as we’ve got you covered with our quick-hit gift guide for the festival of lights. Taking place towards the end of this month, the annual celebration is the perfect...
This heartwarming French film follows a young girl named Mia who befriends a lion cub she calls Charlie after relocating to South Africa with her family. Over several years the two play, explore and grow up with one another until Mia discovers that her father has plans to sell the now adu...
Starring Zac Efron as a compelling Bundy, the story is told through the perspective of his once-girlfriend Elizabeth Kloepfer (played by Lily Collins), who claimed his innocence for many years before learning of the horrifying crimes that made him one of the most feared and notorious criminals...
This heartwarming French film follows a young girl named Mia who befriends a lion cub she calls Charlie after relocating to South Africa with her family. Over several years the two play, explore and grow up with one another until Mia discovers that her father has plans to sell the...
Discussing public reception of her character, Mealing states that: "The response has been amazing - from men, women and children. I'm often stopped out shopping or dining etc. and told 'You're so mean to (whoever).. but we love you!' I think there's a little in all of us that ...
this sprawling emporium also has some great specialty shops, like the Pushcart Presents, which comes courtesy of two LES locals and features goods sourced in the neighborhood, and La Tiendita, staffed by the Lower Eastside Girls Club, which carries “fair-trade and girl-made gifts” that benefit...
Football is not only an aggressive sport. It can be beautiful. Design of the football arena can either boost the mood of football players. Scooper brings to you the best football stadia in the world! Soccer City, South Africa ! Built in 1989, the...
This heartwarming French film follows a young girl named Mia who befriends a lion cub she calls Charlie after relocating to South Africa with her family. Over several years the two play, explore and grow up with one another until Mia discovers that her father has plans to sell t...
Dr Rajendra Saini from Haridwar stated, The baby girl had a heart-related ailment that led to her passing on Wednesday morning. The infants father, Ram Mihir, works as a factory employee in Haridwar. Reports say that Dr Saini encouraged the family to consider organ donation. Following his ...
Online shopping China has many big online shopping platforms, such as Taobao, T-mall and JD.com. They have made online shopping a lifestyle choice for many people in China. Taobao even started “online shopping festival”, the Double Eleven. It’s reported that Taobao and T-mall may have...