芝加哥城市学院--哈罗德华盛顿学院(City Colleges of Chicago-Harold Washington College )成立于1962年,一直致力于为芝加哥的商业领域输入大量人才。芝加哥城市学院--哈罗德华盛顿学院设置了广泛的系列课程、两年的大专学位、专业证书课程。在校学习期间,学校提供了很多的理论课程,例如:商务、数据处理、多种人类服务专业课程。
芝加哥城市学院--杜鲁门学院(City Colleges of Chicago-Harry S Truman College )成立于1956年,刚建立时,仅仅是一所没有名字的夜校。1961年到1976年,它被命名为Mayfair学院,是根据其新邻居-前任是一所中学而命名的。1976年,学院又搬迁至城市,从此,就被称作西南社区学院,直至弗兰克在杜鲁门出任总统之后,将其命名为...
芝加哥城市学院马尔科姆学院 City Colleges of Chicago: Malcolm X College,是一所Public学校,位于美国中西部的Chicago,位列USNews。芝加哥城市学院马尔科姆学院最受欢迎专业
列出City Colleges of Chicago: Olive-Harvey College 芝加哥市立橄榄哈维学院 (City Colleges of Chicago: Olive-Harvey College)的美国大学类似学校。
City Colleges of Chicago-Richard J Daley College is a two-year community college located in the heart of Chicago, Illinois. The college began as a junior college in 1960 with the establishment of a branch inside of Bogan High School on the southwest side of the city. During a brief transit...
列出City Colleges of Chicago: Wilbur Wright College 芝加哥威尔伯莱特学院 (City Colleges of Chicago: Wilbur Wright College)的美国大学类似学校。
芝加哥城市学院-肯尼迪国王学院(City Colleges of Chicago-Kennedy-King College)位于伊利诺伊州市区芝加哥市(Chicago),是一所中等大小的公立社区学院,成立于1935年,在校学生人数6,234。芝加哥城市学院-肯尼迪国王学院隶属于芝加哥城市社区学院系统之一,校训是教学为本。 芝加哥城市学院-肯尼迪国王学院提供2年制的副学士学位...
列出City Colleges of Chicago: Harry S. Truman College 杜鲁门学院-芝加哥城市学院系统 (City Colleges of Chicago: Harry S. Truman College)的美国大学类似学校。
College in the City: Commuters and Community HousesCollegesCommuting StudentsHigher EducationInstitutional AdministrationModelsStudent School RelationshipUrban ProblemsUrban UniversitiesTwo operational models for dealing effectively with needs in urban commuter institutions of higher education are described. (Editor)...
What are your chances of getting into City Colleges of Chicago-Olive-Harvey College? Learn the admissions requirements, including test scores and GPA, and calculate your chances.