In 1911, a place 【3】 【4】 to build the new capital by the government.任务4: 根据短文(B)内容回答问题。When was Canberra founded to be a capital【5】What is the population of Canberra【6】Is there a Flower Festival in autumn each year in Canberra【7】 免费查看参考答案及解析 题目:...
whereWdenotes the spatial weight matrix;βis the spatial autocorrelation coefficient of the dependent variable;φis the spillover effect of the control variable;ηcandμtdenote individual fixed effects and year fixed effects, respectively; andεctis the random disturbance term affecting urban employment....
(SO2), particulate matter (PM10) and nitrogen oxides (NOx), as well as various other industrial pollutants, such as benzene and phenol, and trace elements (Saurabh Sonwani, 2016).The spatial lag model with fixed effects demonstrates that industrial air pollution causes an increase in medical ...
Since the area of the rain garden was fixed in the proposed regulation, the impermeable area draining into the rain garden was adjusted based on the magnitude of the 1- and 2-year storms applicable to each city. This adjustment was made in HydroCAD to use the available storage of the rain...
Based on the results of the Hausman test, time and space double fixed effects are chosen to analyse the spillover effects of urban green development of smart city construction. Table 11 SDMDID model applicability test. Full size table Column (1) of Table 12 shows the overall regression ...
Column (1) reports the regression results after controlling city-fixed and year-fixed effects; the influencing coefficient of 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒×𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑡time×treat is 0.0519 and significant at the 1% level. Column (2) displays the results after controlling for the variables included. ...
of more than 8000 households from 85 cities in 2011, 2013 and 2015. Our results indicate that city size significantly raises household expenditure on restaurants, entertainment and health and fitness. These sectors have either quite differentiated products or services, or significant fixed costs, so ...
City of Yes will make it easier for vacant offices and other non-residential buildings to become homes, a win-win policy to create housing, boost property values, and create more active, vibrant neighborhoods in areas that have been hard-hit by the effects of the pandemic. ...
The fixed asset investment from January to April went up by 8.9% year on year. Industrial investment increased 47.7% year on year, with investments in manufacturing, information transmission, software and information technology ...
whereYi,tdenotes the performance of city commercial bankiin yeartand includes four variables: ROA, ROE, NPL ratio, cost, and market share; (1 − HHI) denotes bank geographical diversification.Xi,tis a set of bank characteristics;δiis banks’ fixed effects;τtis year fixed effects; and...