While no two Parts City store are alike, Somerset Parts City is able to provide you with competitive Big Box pricing, parts availability and a nationwide warranty through our relationship with O'Reilly Auto Parts. United States›Wisconsin›Amery›Parts City Auto Parts-Amery Parts City Partial...
Tragic news from Wisconsin, wherefive people were killed when their car went off the road and struck a tree; all five were active in the annual Ride to Cure Diabetes, a fundraising ride to fight type 1 diabetes. Life is cheap in Connecticut, where a72-year old woman walked without a sin...
Tuinstra—who grew up in Racine, Wisconsin, and Lakeville, Minnesota—is a country music fan and strongly values friendship, as proven by his birthday party featured on Selling the City. Currently, the 40-year-old lives in the West Village. Follow House Beautiful on Instagram and TikTok....
Western Auto, officially Western Auto Supply Company, was a chain selling car parts and accessories. Later it would sell firearms, bicycles, and more. It started in 1909as a mail-order businessin Kansas City, founded by George Pepperdine, who also founded Pepperdine University in California. Ult...
Wisconsin: Great River Road National Scenic Byway Rambling through 33 picturesque river towns, Wisconsin’s 250-mile Great River Road National Scenic Byway awards its road trippers with parks, nature preserves, dairy farms, festivals, concerts, historic tours and ...
Wisconsin Economic Development Institute, Inc. “A Guide to Preparing the Economic Development Element of a Comprehensive Plan.” (WEDI: Madison, 2003). Follow @City_Mayors
children ask for a little skull. It sounds macabre but calaverite now means a miniature skull moulded in chocolate. The November 5 victor will have to win seven critical states, including Pennsylvania (with 19 electoral college votes), Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin and Nevada, which Mr...
She soon meets an elderly German man who introduces himself as Werner Schmidt, though she recognizes him as Sterling Cronheim, a Wisconsin-born artist who became a member of the Bauhaus school in Germany and who disappeared sometime after the fall of France in 1940. Sterling pretends to be ...
After a brief stint as a detailer for a local dealership group in college, he knew he needed a more permanent way to drive all the new cars he couldn’t afford and decided to pursue a career in auto writing. By hounding his college professors at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, he...
Wisconsin's Lake Superior is home to a whopping 22 islands collectively known as the Apostle Islands, which offer a secluded escape to visitors. A major highlight is the islands' gorgeous natural ice caves, which you can explore via kayak in the spring and summer. First National Monument in...