The upgrade of Citroen's biggest seven-seat MPV Price from £20,000 (est) On sale Early 2014. THE CURRENT CITROEN Grand C4 Picasso's flexible cabin space makes it one of the most versatile family cars you can buy, but it's let down by a poor low-speed ride and steering that's ...
Citroën Grand C4 Picasso (until 2018)Citroën C4 SpaceTourer (since 2018–2020)Citroën Grand C4 SpaceTourer (since 2018)Production 2013–2020 (5-Seater)2013–2022 (7-Seater) High quality stylish door handle cover for outstanding car door handle protection. And highlight the exterior of the...
不过C4 Picasso是五人座的车型,如果你有更大的乘载需求,而且你很喜欢这款法系MPV,那你可以选择七人座的「大毕卡索」Grand C4 Picasso。 除了全车系导入更多安全配备之外,小改款的C4 Picasso另外一个重点就在于引擎室内那1.6L BlueHDi 柴油引擎,虽然比起改款前那一颗2.0L的柴油引擎马力少了一些仅有120hp,但扭力...
BACK IN JULY, the last time the service light came on, my Citroen Grand C4 Picasso had covered about 12,000 miles. On that occasion the garage reassured me that, despite its electronic protestations, the car didn't need a service for another 4000 miles. Well, the odometer has clicked pas...
For Citroen Grand C4 Picasso SpaceTourer 2013~2020 2014 2015 2016 Car Window Visor Windshield Rain Guards Deflectors Accessories Fitment:Window Wind Deflector custom Origin : CN(Origin) Material : ABS Style:Outside Mount Style (Stick on to the door & above the windows.Not In-Channel Style) ...
C4 Grand Picasso II 2.0 BlueHDi 1352013-0919971001364MPV C4 Grand Picasso II 2.0 BlueHDi 135 Hybrid2013-0919971001364MPV C4 Grand Picasso II 2.0 BlueHDi 1502013-0919971101504MPV Relevant Information CITROEN C4 C4 AIRCROSS C4 CACTUS C4 Coupe (LA_) ...
本次冠儀和阿布將為大家介紹這對法國雙胞胎兄弟,那就是Citroen的C4 Picasso以及Grand C4 Picasso。從外觀上可以明顯看出其車身軸距和長度區分了這兄弟倆的功能和消費族群。究竟這浪漫的兄弟檔會給冠儀和阿布什麼樣的驚喜呢?趕快讓我們看下去吧!
因C4 Picasso的车辆调性,因此本次未进行郊区或长途试驾,选择在都会区穿梭之方式来体验。引擎搭载PSA旗下柴油主力引擎-2.0 BlueHDi,在市区走走停停的状况下,引擎输出顺畅,对于轿式休旅买家来说绝对够用;经过一整个下午的试驾下来,最印象深刻的还是其省油性,虽未详细记录油耗状况,但从行车里程及油耗资讯来看,...
这样性能优异的一款休旅车,耗油量却是奇低无比,平均油耗达到22.1km/L,同价位车款中几乎没有人比它更省油,在这油价起涨的时代,每公里行驶成本才一块多,可以帮你省下荷包,过着快活人生。C4 PICASSO的快活不只因为省油,它那极度宽广、毫无阻碍的车内视野,才是真正让你心头快活的来源。
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