2011 Citroen C4 Grand Picasso 1.6 THP EGS (A) car specs and all the detailed technical information and performance. Specs of all sub models included. The Only Place For Smart Car Buyers.
雪铁龙C4毕加索保养手册|Citroen C4 Picasso Maintenance Manual 雪铁龙C4毕加索采用了雪铁龙独创的Visiospace设计理念,突出诠释出这款7座MPV车型的与众不同,并开创了同级别车型市场的新纪元。雪铁龙C4毕加索配备了全方位的安全保护系统,包括七个安全气囊、前后排安全带未系报警器、防盗保护装置以及ISOFIX儿童三点式锚固座椅...
Citroen insisted on offering spacious vehicles with a high level of on-board safety for its customers. The C4 Picasso was a good example of its egg-shaped form and sharp frontal area, typical for Citroen. From the exterior, there were minor modifications to the car. At the front, a line...
Unlike the outgoing model, the new Grand has a longer wheelbase than the standard C4 Picasso, so there should be loads of room for all seven occupants.As mentioned earlier, the new C4 Picasso is the first vehicle on PSA's Efficient Modular Platform 2 architecture, or EMP2. Compared to ...
以我们对于MPV的要求,我认为C4 Picasso表现得很称职,唯一还有机会让消费者嫌弃的,大概也只有品牌情节了... 小改款的Citroen C4 Picasso在外型上跟进七人座车型Grand C4 Picasso的设计,同时调整产品策略,改以1.6L柴油引擎作为销售主力,并且迎合消费者对安全配备的要求,增加大量安全配备导入全车系。 确实,C4 Picasso...
雪铁龙C4毕加索保养手册(Citroen C4 Picasso Maintenance Manual)主要包含了对发动机系统(新能源汽车包含三电检测)、变速箱系统、空调系统、冷却系统、燃油系统、动力转向系统等的保养说明。雪铁龙C4毕加索保养手册电子版PDF文件可以让雪铁龙C4毕加索车主免费下载收藏至手机,随时使用更加方便。 雪铁龙C4毕加索简介雪铁龙C4毕加索...
Specifications Special Features Cooling System Material Type Iron Item Weight 9kg Item Height 45inch Item Width 45inch Item Length 45inchView more DescriptionReport Item AC Air Conditioning Compressor Clutch Pulley FOR CITROEN C4 Grand Picasso I PEUGEOT 307 308 SW CC 9684432480 9684960580...
本次冠儀和阿布將為大家介紹這對法國雙胞胎兄弟,那就是Citroen的C4 Picasso以及Grand C4 Picasso。從外觀上可以明顯看出其車身軸距和長度區分了這兄弟倆的功能和消費族群。究竟這浪漫的兄弟檔會給冠儀和阿布什麼樣的驚喜呢?趕快讓我們看下去吧!
C4 Ford|Elevate your Citroen Grand C4 Picasso's interior with our luxury leather floor mats, designed for 2014-2020 models. These mats offer a non-slip, high-quality solution to keep your vehicle clean and stylish.
这样性能优异的一款休旅车,耗油量却是奇低无比,平均油耗达到22.1km/L,同价位车款中几乎没有人比它更省油,在这油价起涨的时代,每公里行驶成本才一块多,可以帮你省下荷包,过着快活人生。C4 PICASSO的快活不只因为省油,它那极度宽广、毫无阻碍的车内视野,才是真正让你心头快活的来源。