2、 CitrixWeb Intece将用户身份证书通过XML Broker TCP 80和443端口传输到XenApp服务器中IMA服务,IMA服务将用户身份证书传递给本地的Lsass.exe进程; 3、 XenApp服务器中Lsass.exe将用户验证信息传递给域进行身份验证; 4、 域控传给LDAP服务器; 5、 LDAP返回结果; 6、 AD将身份验证结果返回给XenApp服务器的...
将everyone加入到Remote Desktop Users(xenapp本地)组
1、单独安装Password Manager组件比较复杂,这里直接使用XenApp安装向导安装; 2、Password Manager对License有一定的要求,要么XenApp必须是Platinum版,要么有专用的Password Manager License; 3、勾选Single Sign-On选项; 4、我们这里采用NTFS Network Share作为Central Store; 5、默认不勾选,点击Next进入下一步; 6、选择...
Optimize Logon Times – Lab Setup All tests has been performed on mySuperServervSphere 6.x Cluster using LoginVSI with 50 users connecting during a 25 minutes period. More details below: 2 VM’s Windows 2012 R2 with Citrix XenApp 7.9 – 4 vCPU and 32GB Memory Citrix Provisioning Services ...
安装Citrix OnlinePlugin 或 Citrix Receiver 并连接到 Citrix XenApp 或 Citrix XenDesktop。有关受支持版本的信息,请参阅系统需求文档。 如果您使用 Microsoft Windows 2008,那么必须拥有 Citrix Receiver 3.3 或 4.1。要在 Microsoft Windows 2008 上运行 Citrix 测试,必须安装 Citrix Receiver 3.3 或 4.1 和 .Net...
When you use FastTrack scripts on the server-side, for example for Logon Scripts or application launchers, you can get the name and IP address of the remote client, the name of the executing XenApp application (if not a full XenApp or XenDesktop desktop session) and you can detect, if...
在Citrix ADC中,单击左下方的 XenApp and XenDesktop Wizard ( XenApp和XenDesktop向导 )。 在右侧,点击 Get Started ( 入门 ) . 选择StoreFront,然后配置 Continue (继续 ) 在Citrix Gateway部分, 输入新网关的FQDN . 输入新网关的VIP. 选中Redirect requests from port 80 to secure port ( 将请求从端口80...
最近用户那边实施XenApp6.5使用一段时间,重启服务器后,发现Web Interface可以登录,点击应用图标时出现“Citrix服务器此时无法处理您启动该已发布应用程序的请求。。。”的故障,点击发布的桌面图标,登录桌面正常,感觉有点怪,查了相关的KB,发现在点击发布应用的.ica文件时,后台的cmstart.exe比须处于监听状态,否则会应超...
The Citrix Workspace app has been updated with a focus on user experience, security, and administrative controls. Enhancements include a customizable toolbar, improved launch speeds, and a connection strength indicator to help users troubleshoot. ...