自2402 版本起,适用于 Mac 的 Citrix Workspace 应用程序支持在窗口模式和全屏模式下将 macOS 系统键盘快捷方式传递到 VDA(HDX 会话)。此功能允许您设置首选项,规定系统快捷方式必须如何在 macOS 本地或者在窗口模式或全屏模式下的 HDX 桌面会话中生效。
支持在 VDA 上自动更新 Citrix Workspace 应用程序 自适用于 Windows 的 Citrix Workspace 应用程序版本 2209 起,可以在 VDA 上启用自动更新功能。必须创建以下注册表值才能启用此功能: 在32 位计算机上: 注册表项:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Citrix\ICA Client\AutoUpdate 注册表值:AllowAutoUpdateOnVDA 注册表类...
On theDelivery Controllerpage, choose how you want to enter the addresses of installed Controllers. Citrix recommends that you specify the addresses while you’re installing the VDA (Do it manually). The VDA cannot register with a Controller until it has this information. If a VDA cannot regist...
Citrix虚拟化VDA(Virtual Delivery Agent)是安装在虚拟桌面上的组件,允许用户通过Citrix Receiver访问其个人桌面。以下是安装Citrix虚拟化VDA的示例代码(PowerShell): # 安装Citrix虚拟化VDA Mount-DiskImage -ImagePath "C:\Downloads\XenDesktop.iso" Start-Process -FilePath "D:\x64\XenDesktop Setup\VDAWorkstation...
TapUse Custom Keyboardsto use third-party keyboards downloaded from the App Store within your session. TheKeyboard Layout Syncautomatically synchronizes the keyboard layout of the VDA with that of the client device. Audio TapAudioto turn audio from your apps and desktops on or off. This option ...
From CTX140208 Client printing from Mac and Linux clients on Windows 10, Server 2012 R2, and Server 2016. By default, Non-Windows clients cannot map printers due to a missing print driver on the VDA machine. Download the HP Color LaserJet 2800 Series PS driver directly from Microsoft Catalog...
Size is based on the type of VDA. 40 GB is probably a good size for session hosts. For virtual desktops this can be a smaller disk (e.g. 5 GB). Note: the pagefile must be smaller than the cache disk. Expand the newly added disk, and set Disk Provisioning to Thin provision if...
Linux VDA VDAs for Windows 10 Profile Management For 7.15 LTSR, the following, additional compatible components are supported: Citrix SCOM Management Pack for XenApp and XenDesktop Citrix SCOM Management Pack for StoreFront Citrix SCOM Management Pack for License Server ...
Download Cisco Custom Image for VMware vSphere ESXi 8.0 Update Cisco VIC Drivers for ESXi VMware Clusters Cisco Intersight Orchestration Pure Storage CloudSnap Configure Pure Storage CloudSnap Build the Virtual Machines and Environment for Workload Testing Prerequisites Software Infrastructure...
On the Master Image windows, select your previously created master image VM with the Citrix VDA installed. NVIDIA vGPU Software for Citrix Virtual Apps & Desktops on VMware vSphere | 129 Creating a Citrix Machine Catalog 9. In the Select the minimum functional level for this ...