Connection Diagnostics: Identifies errors while connecting. All logging is enabled up until the point when the session is deemed successful. Full: Captures everything including the connection diagnostics. Once enabled, the Citrix Workspace app will store up to 10 session logs after which they’re de...
CitrixReceiver/ MacOSX/13.4.0 com.citrix.receiver.nomas X1Class CWACapable Cloud Store When users add a cloud store to Citrix Workspace app, the network requests made by Citrix Workspace app contains a specific User-Agent. For example, network requests with path /core/connect/authorize...
From Carl WebsterHow to Make Director the Default Page within IIS: If Director is installed on a standalone server, do the following to set/Directoras the default path. If Director and StoreFront are on the same server, then you’ll probably want StoreFront Receiver for Web as the default...
When configuring Citrix Workspace (formerly known as Citrix Receiver) on a Linux machine (maybe on other OS as well), there could be SSL errors when the client is connecting to the Citrix Gateway - depending on what kind of certificate/certificate chain was deployed on the domain. CA C...
在流動裝置上使用Citrix Receiver的ASA無客戶端 訪問配置示例 目錄 簡介 必要條件 需求 採用元件 支援的流動裝置 演示 背景資訊 限制 設定 CLI命令 組態範例 自適應安全裝置管理器(ASDM)配置 ASA身份證書和證書頒發機構(CA) 終端使用者介面/使用者體驗 新增新帳戶 註銷WebVPN會話 驗證 疑難排解 調試 常見問題 (FAQ...
When logging in to the server with RDS, I do not have to wait for this.” “Add the following 2 registry keys to your VDA server – then try connecting to it using ICA to see if the issue still occurs: Add reg keys in “HKLM\SOFTWARE\Citrix\GroupPolicy” Dword: “CacheGpoExpireIn...
To bind this policy to only mobile devices, use the expression below: REQ.HTTP.HEADER User-Agent CONTAINS CitrixReceiver: 8. Create an LDAP policy for non-mobile devices. To bind this policy to only non-mobile devices, use the expression that follows: REQ.HTTP.HEADER User-Agent NOTCONTAINS...
As per Citrix:“With the introduction of Receiver 3.x client, administrators can configure the default behavior for device access when connecting to a Citrix XenDesktop or XenApp environment. By default, the Desktop Viewer client device restrictions are based on the Internet region and this behavior...
UnderstandingUnderstandingthetheArchitectureArchitectureofofaaXenAppXenApp andandXenDesktopXenDesktopSolutionSolution 1313 UnderstandingtheArchitecture ofaXenApp andXenDesktop Solution 15 Overview 15 XenApp orXenDesktop 15 XenApp andXenDesktopArchitecture Overview 16 UserLayer 16 Citrix Receiver 17 Access Layer 17 ...
If pooled desktop groups have multiple desktops configured per user, only the first desktop can start when using Receiver for Windows. If the user clicks on the icons of other desktops, the desktop might show a "connecting" dialog box and then fail to connect. The first desktop session appea...