Path to template profile (CPM v2.0+) – By default, new user profiles are created from the Default User profile on the computer where a user first logs on to. Profile Management can alternatively use a centrally stores template when creating new user profiles. Template profiles are identical t...
to display the user’s display name correctly within the Workspace UI. It is the attribute that appears in the SAML assertion that matters, not the casing of any intermediate variables used by the SAML provider such asuser.displayname(AAD example variable). What...
Define the WFICA_OPTS variable before starting self-service through a browser. To defin this variable, edit your profile file, normally found at $HOME/.bash_profile or $HOME/.profile, adding a line to define the WFICA_OPTS variable. For example:export WFICA_OPTS="-span a" This change a...
For Windows 2012 R2, install Microsoft hotfix 2890783, and set the UseProfilePathExtensionVersion registry value to 1. CTX230343 Reset Profile Options Is Greyed Out In Citrix Director states that the UseProfilePathExtensionVersion registry value is required on Windows 2012 R2 to enable Director user...
First, you’ll want to create your RDP profile under the NetScaler Gateway section in the GUI, or using the ‘add rdp profile’ command in the CLI: Assuming you can manage building a NetScaler Gateway vServer, there’s not much different here, you just need to specify the RDP IP (optio...
# Global variables $StartDir = $PSScriptRoot # the directory path of the script currently being executed if (!($Installationtype -eq "Uninstall")) { $Installationtype = "Install" } $LogDir = (Join-Path $BaseLogDir $PackageName).Replace(" ","_") $LogFileName = "$($Installationtype)_...
To find this path, the only browser that reveals it is Internet Explorer. In the view option, there is a 'view in File Explorer' option. This option ONLY appears in IE. There's obviously a couple of variables in that URL, so finding out how to parse those to use in a script is ...
Getting Citrix Cloud authentication figured out was a royal PITA. As covered in theReadMe file, you can create a named profile or create a “Default” profile. What we found initially was that if you requested to get Citrix Policy data, even if you used a named profile, you would get ...
($GPOBackups.Count) GPO Backups in '$GPOBackupPath'" # init VUEM action arrays $VUEMApplications = @() $VUEMNetDrives = @() $VUEMEnvVariables = @() $VUEMExtTasks = @() $VUEMFileSystemOps = @() $VUEMIniFileOps = @() $VUEMPrinters = @() $VUEMRegValues = @() $VUE...