"ICA-Title="Sign out or disconnect"ICA-Icon=true The keywords are assigned by default for new desktop machines assigned to the group. For existing desktop machines, you must run the following PowerShell commands for changes to apply: $dg=Get-BrokerDesktopGroup-Name'<group name>'-Property'Name...
Alternatively, you can override the default behavior using PowerShell commands. For more information, seeApplication and desktop support. Important: Enabling access to power-managed single-session pooled machines can cause data and changes from previous user sessions being present in subsequent session...
In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to start interacting with Citrix Cloud via its application programming interfaces, or APIs, using your choice of the Python programming language, the PowerShell task automation framework, or the cURL command line tool running in a bash shell....
However, in Citrix Cloud, the resources are part of the resource location, and management is part of the control plane, which are separated by secure boundaries of scope. So, to run the remote PowerShell commands, the commands need to be adapted for Citrix Cloud SDK. This change requires s...
It came all down to WAM (web Account Manager) and ADAL (Azure Active Directory Authentication Library). By running this little Powershell command in an elevated Windows Powershell shell the Teams Desktop app started working again like a charm: ...
validate which certificates are present in these stores. When inside the “Enterprise PKI” MMC snap-in, right click and choose the Manage AD Containers menu. This snap-in is not installed by default and can be added using the following PowerShell command: “Add-WindowsFeature RSAT-ADCS-mgmt...
1. Launch PowerShell as an administrator. 2. Change the working directory to C:\LTSRAssistant by typing: cd C:\LTSRAssistant 3. Import the LTSR Assistant PowerShell module by typing: import-module .\Citrix.LTSRAssistant.Commands.dll
PowerShell timdenholm/vscode-netscaler Star10 Syntax highlighting and snippets for Citrix ADC/NetScaler configuration (ns.conf) files in Visual Studio Code syntax-highlightingsnippetsvisual-studionetscalercitrix-netscalervscode-extensioncli-commandsvscode-languagecitrix-adccitrix-netscaler-configurationvscode-netscal...
Attempts to configure a new site by using the XenDesktop High Level Powershell SDK command "New-XDSite" without configuring licensing and then following attempts to run the command "Get-XDSite" fail. The error message "The site has upgrade steps remaining. Run Get-XDUpgradeStatus to find out...
在创建ubuntu桌面计算机目录和交付之前,需要在DDC上导入Powershell脚本。而DDC是默认阻止此Powerhll脚本执行的。 需使用管理员执行Powerhslell命令 Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted 解除此限制。 然后再导入Powershell脚本,此脚本我会放在课程里面。Citrix Virtual Desktops 新版本1912-CU3虚拟桌面全套 学习到...