Check if the back-end server’s firewall is not blocking the connector appliance. Check if the client is connecting to the nearest cloud POP. For example, nslookup on the client, the canonical name in the answer indicates the geo-specific server such as aws-us-w.g.ns...
you can choose to disable or enable the auto start feature on Citrix Workspace app for Mac by navigating toPreferences > General > Start Workspaceon system startup. The auto start setting is enabled by default.
Event ID 9646 when opening MAPI sessions Insufficient memory errors and sent mail stuck Office program crashes due to the SendToBluetooth add-in Office program errors when DisableThemes is configured Outlook can not be started error Outlook crashes in KERNELBASE.dll due to corrupt...
0=do not delay opening, 1=if last close was less than delay time, delay by time remaining, 2=always delay. Default=1 HDXRTMEWebCamLaunchDelayTime=integer Determines the delay, in milliseconds, to wait at startup before the webcam can be activated, to a...
The default is 10 minutes. Adjust as desired. Pre-create the Anon accounts on the VDA by running "C:\Program Files\Citrix\ICAConfigTool\CreateAnonymousUsersApp.exe". If you don’t run this tool, then anonymous users can’t login. You can see the local Anon accounts by opening Computer ...
If the Imaging Wizard does not successfully copy the local drives to the vDisk, first make sure the vDisk is mounted by opening the systray icon. Then you can manually start the conversion by running C:\Program Files\Citrix\Provisioning Services\P2PVS.exe. When done, click Done. It might ...
Scalable: The delivery controller is a key piece of infrastructure, and its performance must not be impacted by unprompted messages and data from workers, as can happen in IMA, for instance during “election storms”. Flexible: the protocol should allow the architecture to evolve over time, by...
Not open for further replies. Feb 13, 2005 #1 alw655 IS-IT--Management Feb 13, 2005 1 US We currently upgraded to Metaframe XP 1.0 E, SP3, FR2. DB server is 2003 Enterprise, SQl 2000 SP3. When opening a module on the TS or via a ICA client,the response is very slow. ...
I'm not very clear how you open a session in Citrix. When you're on the client workstation and you open GP, it is opening it through the server. Does this sound like we are using RDP? If this is correct, then I will make sure Terminal Services 6.0 is installed on the server, an...
Tesla V100 PCIe 32GB (XenMotion with vGPU is not supported.) Tesla V100 FHHL (XenMotion with vGPU is not supported.) GPUs based on the NVIDIA Turing architecture: Since 7.1: Tesla T4 For a list of validated server platforms, refer to NVIDIA GRID Certified Servers. Note: Tesla M60 and ...