You can configure Director to support Integrated Windows Authentication (Single Sign-on). Note: there seem to be issues when not connecting from the local machine or when connecting through a load balancer. RunIIS Manager. You can launch it from Server Manager (Tools menu), or from the Start...
仅当安装 Director 时有效。禁用可使用 Windows 远程协助的用户重影功能。 /noreboot 防止在安装完成后重新启动。(对于大多数核心组件,默认情况下不启用重新启动。) /noresume 默认情况下,当安装过程中需要计算机重新启动时,安装程序将在重新启动完成后自动继续运行。要覆盖默认值,请指定/noresume。如果在自动安装过程...
即使在将 Workspace 控件的 WSCReconnectMode 设置为在Windows 登录时重新连接,并且启用了 Silent authentication to Citrix Workspace(面向 Citrix Workspace 的无提示身份验证)策略时,使用 SAML2 和 FAS 身份验证的 Citrix Workspace 应用程序也可能无法在会话解锁时自动登录。[CVADHELP-23018] 即使在开启了客户端 USB...
(常见故障虚拟桌面未注册,Windows一直进入还原状态等等)。Desktop Studio/Director,Windows Event Log。需要特别注意VMware环境中的快照使用方式,vCenter服务 2、器日志收集与SQL数据库高可用性协作等问题。Delegated administration in XenApp/XenDesktop 7.XProvides an enterprise-class administrationmodel and granular ...
This script queries and displays the values of performance counters for the Citrix Federated Authentication Service object. It requires the "CitrixFederatedAuthenticationService" service to exist on the target computer. Version: 1.0.1 • Created: 2018-11-29 • Modified: 2018-11-29 citrix FAS ...
User Cert Auth via Gateway (via browser only)Enables use of users certificates as one factor for authentication with Gateway, which is for browser-based authentication on Windows. Smart Card (CAC, PIV, and so on)Enables use of a standard PC/SC compatible cryptographic smart ...
name specified for collecting the data from MS SQL Server should have either System Administrator role or the user should be thedb_ownerordb_datareaderfor master database. Alternatively, you can provide theWindows Authenticationdetails also (by entering the User Name like<domainname>\<username>)....
CitrixDirector StoreFront Receiver Studio 此图中的组件包括: ·DeliveryController—DeliveryController是任何XenApp或XenDesktop站点 的中心管理组件。每个站点具有一种或多种DeliveryController,至少安装在数据 中心内的一种服务器上。(为实现站点可靠性和可用性,将Controller安装在多种 服务器上。)Controller由多项服务构...
Determine how to implement a specified authentication method based on given requirements. -User Access to Resources-Store Authentication Methods-Store Authentication Service-Server Groups Determine how to implement Workspace Experience User Authentication based on a scenario. -Username and Password Through Clo...
Director: Citrix Fixes and Known Issues – Director Federated Authentication Service: Citrix Fixes and Known Issues – Federated Authentication Service Internet Explorer/Firefox/Chrome Citrix Fixes and Known Issues – Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome ...