自2409 版本起,适用于 Windows 的 Citrix Workspace 应用程序现在支持 Desktop Viewer 工具栏上的连接强度指示器 (CSI)。 此功能显示网络强度图标,提醒您存在网络问题。 可以单击指示器查看客户端和 VDA 的实时连接统计信息,并复制诊断信息以与 IT 共享,以进行高级故障排除。 优势: 立即反馈:检测到网络问题时,网络...
Desktop Viewer 工具栏的自定义设置 自适用于 Windows 的 Citrix Workspace 应用程序 2409 版本起,您可以使用 Global App Configuration Service、组策略编辑器或任何能够推送 Windows 注册表项的第三方 Endpoint Management 软件自定义Desktop Viewer工具栏上的选项。 使用GACS 要通过 GACS 管理用户界面配置Desktop Viewer...
Desktop Viewer is the toolbar that is displayed on top of a session. For more information on how to view Desktop Viewer, see Change how desktops look and work.
把上图中的“#ShowDesktopViewer=Off”前面的#号去掉,将“Off”修改为“On”。如下图 保存退出!! 再重新登陆桌面就可以看到桌面工具栏了。 第二种: 如果只单独部署了XenDesktop的话,想启用Desktop Viewer toolbar。那么可以修改 XenDesktop站点:C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\Citrix\DesktopWeb\conf\default.ica 在[Applicatio...
ConnectionBarDisplayShift=string Specifies an alternative keyboard shortcut shift for displaying the Desktop Viewer accessibility menu. This can be any of the values Alt, Ctrl, Shift, Alt+Ctrl, Alt+Shift, Ctrl+Shift, and Alt+Ctrl+Shift as listed in the ‘[Hot...
By doing this for CDViewer.exe, for example, I was able to get the ‘Desktop Viewer’ to launch in native DPI, which is blur free (and displayed in normal DPI). If I need to get a more readable/usable DPI, I can always adjust the same settings on the virtual desktop side: ...
XenDesktop\DesktopViewer Dazzle Receiver Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node on 64-bit systems, and delete the following entries if they exist: Citrix\CitrixCAB Citrix\AuthManager Citrix\ICA Client Citrix\Dazzle Citrix\PNAgent Citrix\ReceiverInside Citrix\...
Web-Windows-Auth, Web-WMI, Windows-Identity-Foundation, Xps-Viewer # 安装Citrix虚拟化分发控制器 Mount-DiskImage -ImagePath "C:\Downloads\XenDesktop.iso" Start-Process -FilePath "D:\x64\XenDesktop Setup.exe" -ArgumentList "/x" Start-Process -FilePath "D:\x64\XenDesktop Setup\XenDesktopServe...
ShowDesktopViewer: Shows the Citrix Desktop Viewer window and toolbar when users access their desktops from legacy clients. This setting may fix problems where the Desktop Viewer is not displayed. Default: Off.. Configuration Configuration XD7Example { Import-DSCResource -ModuleName XenDesktop7 { XD...
Use this feature to highlight rows in the viewer to distinguish them from others. Introduced support for custom column display. Use this feature to decide which columns you want to display or hide. Introduced an Add Filter Logic function for the multi-rules filter. Use this feature to ...