通过该选项,可以将全屏会话跨额外的显示器显示。 通过Desktop Viewer 工具栏功能,您可以在窗口化会话窗口与全屏会话窗口之间切换,包括对相交显示器的多显示器支持。 重要: 对于采用无缝或标准窗口的会话(包括已最大化的窗口中的会话),宽幅显示不起作用。 - span 选项采用以下格式: -span [h][o][a|mon1[,mon2...
Desktop flows 桌面應用程式因UI自動化而當機 執行已出席或自動桌面流程時的代理程式相關錯誤 瀏覽器自動化動作在瀏覽器更新後停止運作 無法以無訊息方式加入計算機群組 無法使用跨網域 iframe 將網頁自動化 無法從共用畫布應用程式建立連線 無法在運行時間與 Web 元素互動 ...
STARTMENUDIR 和DESKTOPDIR - 忽略空格后的名称,并使用空格之前的名称创建目录。 [RFWIN-31704] 如果系统中安装了 .NET Runtime 6.0.20 或更高版本,但未安装 .NET Desktop Runtime 6.0.20 或更高版本,您将在安装 Citrix Workspace 应用程序期间收到一条错误消息。[RFWIN-31817] 在Windows 11 上运行时,反屏...
Specifies the identifier of the high level operation that this cmdlet call forms a part of. Desktop Studio and Desktop Director typically create High Level Operations. PowerShell scripts can also wrap a series of cmdlet calls in a High Level Operation by way of the Start-LogHighLevelOperation a...
None Input cannot be piped to this cmdlet. Return Values Citrix.Broker.Admin.SDK.RebootSchedule Examples --- EXAMPLE 1 --- C:\PS> New-BrokerRebootSchedule -DesktopGroupName BankTellers -Frequency Daily -StartTime "02:00" -Enabled $true -Duration 120 Schedules the machines in the desktop gro...
None Input cannot be piped to this cmdlet. Return Values Citrix.Broker.Admin.SDK.RebootSchedule Examples --- EXAMPLE 1 --- C:\PS> New-BrokerRebootSchedule -DesktopGroupName BankTellers -Frequency Daily -StartTime "02:00" -Enabled $true -Duration 120 Schedules the machines in the desktop gro...
Possible Reasons Why Is your Citrix remote desktop not launching? Something as seemingly uncomplicated as a Citrix remote desktop not launching can be due to a number of causes. Here are five of the most common, and a look at Parallels RAS as an alternative....
You should start the Citrix troubleshooting process with the most prominent issue end users might face: Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops is unavailable. Imagine that you receive the calls from the helpdesk thatend users cannot sign into their Citrix sessions. ...
None Input cannot be piped to this cmdlet. Return Values Citrix.Broker.Admin.SDK.RebootSchedule Examples --- EXAMPLE 1 --- C:\PS>New-BrokerRebootSchedule -DesktopGroupName BankTellers -Frequency Daily -StartTime"02:00"-Enabled $true-Duration120 AI代码助手复制代码 Schedules the machines in the...
dll due to corrupt data file Outlook stops at the Loading Profile screen Performance issues in Cached Mode on Citrix Virtual Desktop "Please wait while Windows configures Office" at start Unsupported folder class error when Outlook starts Profiles and Accounts Security User Interf...