choice. Tools on 3DS and PC exist to convert those to decrypted .3ds format, and a guide can be foundhere. However, Citra now allows loading/installing encrypted 3ds/CIA files if the necessary AES keys are provided. The required keys are provided with the 3DS Shared Data downloadable above...
openssl aes-256-cbc -K $FLATPAK_ENC_K -iv $FLATPAK_ENC_IV -in "$CITRA_SRC_DIR/keys.tar.enc" -out "$KEYS_ARCHIVE" -d tar -C /tmp -xvf $KEYS_ARCHIVE # Configure SSH keys eval "$(ssh-agent -s)" chmod -R 600 "$HOME/.ssh" chown -R root "$HOME/.ssh" chmod 600 "$SSH_...
openssl aes-256-cbc -K $FLATPAK_ENC_K -iv $FLATPAK_ENC_IV -in "$CITRA_SRC_DIR/keys.tar.enc" -out "$KEYS_ARCHIVE" -d tar -C /tmp -xvf $KEYS_ARCHIVE # Configure SSH keys eval "$(ssh-agent -s)" chmod -R 600 "$HOME/.ssh" chown -R root "$HOME/.ssh" chmod 600 "$SSH_...