Your naturalization interview consists two important tests: English and civics. You must pass the two tests to become a citizen, unless you qualify for an exemption. The English test covers reading, writing and speaking, while the civics test focuses on the fundamental history and government of t...
The guide is designed to be flexible and easy to use. It comes in downloadable PDF/eBook and audio forms so you can listen to it on the go or save it on your device for easy reading. If you are not used to studying using digital devices you can also order a paper copy of the gu...
After you finished reading the official document: Australian Citizenship: Our Common Bond (located here: You can download this app to test your knowledge on the citizenship test questions. ...
• Comprehensive learning with interactive civics, reading, and writing tests, enhanced by genuine voice audio for an interactive educational journey. • Fun flashcards that quiz you on important Canadian Citizenship Test topics, making sure you really know your stuff!
I had a business trip that week, and didn't know whether I should postpone the test and wait a few months, or take my chances. I stumbled upon this study guide, and decided to go for it. After reading the summary guide and doing the practice questions, I got 19/20 in the test!
In most cases, the test will be in written format. You will be supplied with the test and simply need to select the answers. However, your citizenship official may decide that the test will be conducted orally on the day. This may happen if you have trouble reading and writing in French...
New Readers Press has just posted anew “Tricky Vocabulary”handout (for explaining vocabulary in the new N-400 part 9): resource complementsCitizenship: Passing the Test Ready for the Interview...
ReadingResultType ReadingSourceType ReadingType RecyclableObjectCategory RecyclingFacilityMaterial RecyclingFacilityRecyclableObjectCategory ReferenceGroup RelatedAsset RelatedBusinessMetric RelatedBusinessMetricType RelatedContract RelatedCustomerGroup RelatedFacility RelatedHousehold RelatedHydrologicFormation RelatedItemGroup Relat...
Reading diasporic engagements through the lens of citizenship: Turkey as a test caseDiaspora policies have recently become prominent for an increasing number of states. While the growing body of literature on new diaspora policies and institutions has shown these as a sign of a state's willingness...
However, since January 2018 the exam process has been revised to test your knowledge of Mexican culture and history, and a reading comprehension exam has been introduced to test your Spanish language. Exam exemptions Some people are exempt from the history & culture exam, but all applicants must...