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Review article : The Exclusive Society: Citizenship and the poor Ruth Lister Child Poverty Action Group, London, 1990, 82pp, pbkdoi:10.1177/026101839101103112Paul SpickerCritical Social Policy
See Owen White, Children of the French Empire: Miscegenation and Colonial Society in French West Africa, 1895–1960 (New York: Oxford University Press, 1999). About this Chapter Title Sex, Citizenship and the State: The Construction of the Public and Private Spheres in Colonial Eritrea Book ...
Conventionally, the modern notion of citizenship has combinedpolitical-legal rights and responsibilities with symbolic-affectiveloyalties and values into a public status of full inclusion and partici-pation within a society. Located within the constitutional frame-works of modern states, social citizenship ...
Then, in Part III, I focus on the argument for why kids should not be enfranchised. I argue that Yaffe's claim here—that a self-governing society is one whose citizens are entitled to exert an influence over its future—is dubious. Further, I argue that, even if this claim is ...
Article 33 of the Convention and its counterparts in the Immigra- tion Act, ss. 53 and 19, are designed to deal with the expulsion of individuals who present a threat to Cana- dian society, and the grounds for such a determination are wider and more clearly articulated. The Minister, ...
PDF (270 K) Society and citizenship education in transition: the case of Macau 2001, International Journal of Educational Development more K.C. Tse Society and citizenship education in transition: the case of Macau International Journal of Educational Development, Volume 21, Issue 4, July 2001, ...
This Aristotelian perspective of citizenship is quite rare nowadays, as it is deemed unfeasible in the modern work-orientated society. Still, in this view, belonging to a community comes with the normative expectations of how the citizens are supposed to act within a (often territorially bounded)...
the absence of violence is not sufficient for building peace in the classroom or in society. Still, non-violence in the classroom is regarded essential for other peacebuilding behaviors, such as dialogue and negotiation (Bickmore,2001). Solidarity and Prosocial Behavior...
Ethnicity, Citizenship, Planning and Gender the case of.pdf G ende r, P lace and C ulture, V o l. 5 , N o. 2 , p p . 1 7 7± 1 8 9, 1 9 9 8 E thnicity , C itiz enship , P lanning and G ender : the cas e of E thiop ian im m igrant w om en in I sra...