ethnic background, and socioeconomic status. Specific attention is paid to the role of teachers, as organizers of the social structures in their classrooms and as educators who can promote citizenship. Finally, we propose new ways for using peer reports to study citizenship ...
Explore the rights and responsibilities associated with being an active citizen in a democratic society in Grade 10 Civics and Citizenship (CHV2O) online.
The paper introduces and critically evaluates the new Citizenship and Democracy Education course in the Turkish curriculum. This course has been introduced as a mandatory subject in grade 8 per one hour a week in the 2011-2012 academic year. Following the comprehensive 2005 curriculum reform, Citize...
The paper introduces and critically evaluates the new Citizenship and Democracy Education course in the Turkish curriculum. This course has been introduced as a mandatory subject in grade 8 per one hour a week in the 2011-2012 academic year. Following the comprehensive 2005 curriculum reform, ...
It is increasingly uncommon to find any city, town, or county in which immigrants do not play a role: they are integral to the present and future of civil society. Changing student demographics and the complex realities of a globalized world require scho
Digital Citizenship 417 Digital Citizenship Resources Video Technology 417 Tech Ed Resources for your Class–Digital Citizenship Ask a Tech Teacher AUGUST 14, 2024 Today: K-8 Digital Citizenship Curriculum Overview K-8 Digital Citizenship Curriculum — 9 grade levels. A year-long digital citizenship ...
In 2010, Common Sense Education teamed up with Project Zero at the Harvard Graduate School of Education to launch a joint Digital Literacy and Citizenship Curriculum, which became Digital Citizenship Week two years later. Now, during the third week of October each year, teachers in all subject...
Rethinking Citizenship Education: A Curriculum for Participatory Democracy; Bloomsbury: London, UK, 2011. [Google Scholar] Arthur, J.; Cremin, H. Debates in Citizenship Education; Routledge: New York, NY, USA, 2012. [Google Scholar] Gaudelli, W. Global Citizenship Education: Everyday ...
(grades 10–12); we focus on the latter. We study the curriculum on two levels. First, we analyze the general values, competencies, and cross-curricular themes that are in principle binding for all the subjects. Second, we will take a closer look at how this is elaborated in the civics...
My Media Choices(Grade 4) Most Used In this Common Sense Education lesson, students learn the “What? When? How Much?” framework for describing their media choices. Public and Private Spaces(Grade K-2) Most Used In this activity, students will learn the differences between public spaces and...