Act No. LV of 1993 on Hungarian Nationality. Act No. XLIV of 2010 (Hungary). Act No. XLVI of 2005 (Hungary). Citizenship (Amendment) Act 2019, No. 47 of 2019, 12 December 2019 (India). Constitution of the Republic of Poland...
doi:10.2139/ssrn.3667298NRCCAACitizenshipWith the completion of the NRC process in Assam and bringing CAA, India has begun paradoxical of processes of denationalization and citizenization at the sameSocial Science Electronic Publishing
Property was the mark of the civic ideal of citizenship in the republican tradition, dominant in the Anglo-Atlantic Enlightenment; see the classic work by Pocock (1975). On the other hand, culture as a criterion refers to the Franco-continental Enlightenment, culminating with the work of the M...
While they believed that it was important for all actors to share and not just receive, they personally found the act of helping so important to their character (and organisation) that it weighed more than the behaviour of others. Further, multiple respondents discussed how they perceived that ...
This information is in accordance with Canadian federal regulations, pursuant to subsections 627.996 of the Bank Act, 489.1 of the Insurance Companies Act and 444.2 of the Trust and Loan Companies Act. In this PAS, our disclosure in response to the Code of Conduct for the Delivery of Banking...
Unwitting and Unwelcome in Their Own Homes: Remedying the Coverage Gap in the Child Citizenship Act of 2000I. IntroductionInternational adoption has long been a celebrated practice in the United States,...Hauenstein, Holland L.University of Iowa, College of LawIowa Law Review...
It is commonly assumed by the projects demonstrating concepts for positive energy districts in cities across Europe that citizens want and need to be involved in the development of these concepts as an essential condition for positive energy districts to
At the same time, there was an acceptance of risk and a belief that girls need to act accordingly in light of the risk. They wanted more attention to these wider contexts and deeper causes of what occurs online, as illustrated below: “…Like online harassment is an issue, but like you...
We act resolutely for climate and nature, people and along ethical principles. Our sustainability roadmap rests on three pillars: Planet, People, Business. Each pillar has a concrete action plan, with defined initiatives and progress targets. PlanetPeopleBusiness We deeply care for our environment...
The intersection of Indian citizenship amendment act 2019 and religious persecutiondoi:10.1007/s44282-024-00108-xAnanda, D.Discover Global Society