Debt advice calls to charity hit record high The article reports on the number of calls for debt counseling received by the Citizens Advice Bureau in Great Britain. According to reports, the charity network received 1.7 million calls in England and Wales for debt counseling in 2006... L Stavro...
Citizens Advice collects data on clients’ demographic and health information for people in England and Wales during the advice seeking process. People may seek advice for more than one issue, we limit the data to those who are seeking advice with claiming UC. For in-person advice seeking, the...
Adviceguide Advicethatmakesadifference Mortgagearrears Ifyouareinmortgagearrears,yourmortgagelenderwillwantyoutoclear them.Ifyoudon’tdothis,theywilltakeactionthroughthecourtstogetyou evictedfromyourhome(seekpossession).Thiswillallowthemtosellthe propertyandusethemoneyfromthesaletohelppayoffthedebt. ...
1.1 Citizens Advice Cymru welcomes the opportunity to submit evidence to this enquiry. In the 12 months to September 2012 Citizens Advice Bureaux in Wales ... December 被引量: 0发表: 0年 Justice Committee Legal Services (Scotland) Bill Written submission from Citizens Advice Scotland organisations...