AGENCYGROUP09EBSCO_bspFDCH Regulatory Intelligence Database
Indian nationals wishing to extend their visit to Thailand beyond the initial 30-day visa exemption must either secure a tourist visa from aThai Embassy or Consulatebefore departure or, if already in Thailand, seek an extension from the nearest Thai immigration office. ...
Kinship Certification:Original and photocopy of documents such as marriage certificate, birth certificate, certification of kinship from the Public Security Bureau, or other notarized certifications showing family relationship. Additional Documents for Private Affairs:Documents explaining personal matters like mar...
English-speaking tour guide certified by the Tourism Bureau of Bhutan Full meal and mineral water (three meals a day) Full attraction fee Bhutan tourism surcharge and other taxes Equipment required for trekking in Bhutan (sleeping bags, tents, toilets, and bathing tents, other equipment please spe...
Archer, Laura
The duration of stay may be extended by applying to the local public security bureau. To travel to areas not open to tourists, visitors must apply for a Foreign Travel Permit at aChinese Embassy or Consulate. 3. Noncommercial Visa (F Visa) ...