These students are one of the 68 teams nationwide who participated in an amateur scientist experiment called Citizen CATE – volunteers with an extraordinary mission. "We're trying to get pictures of the solar eclipse so we can study the corona, which is the light that comes on the edges. T...
Supervising Scientist bubble boat and visual observation platform for fish counting in channel billabongs Surface floating camera deployment on bank edge MS: How are citizen scientists helping? AJ: On our journey, we learnt that polygon labelled imagery will return the best result when t...
The Backyard Worlds: Planet 9 citizen science project invites the public to join the search for cold worlds nearby the sun using its newly revamped online interface. The Backyard Worlds re-launch coincides with publication of the project's latest discovery: an ancient white dwarf star encircled by...
"We already had large numbers of crabbers out there, so it was a matter of designing a public information program to piggy-back on that. "We've found the crab fishers have such great stewardship and ownership over the Swan and the crab fishery and they really want to do the right thing...
The bridge between citizen and scientist One of the challenges with citizen science is to connect citizens and scientists. Currently, this often happens through messages posted on Facebook or other media. Citizens make many nature observations around the world. Having a dedicated international platform...
Mother Nature is a mad scientist, I tell you, and let's hear it for CRjr, taking me on the wild and wonderful tour of all things kids' nonfiction. Posted at 06:58 AM in If a book is written about hypothetical science questions... ...
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“You cannot simply measure the plastic by going through the entire oceans of the world, nor can you have a camera capture every cleanup taking place on every single beach,” said IBM principal data scientist Kunal Sawarkar, who is working with UNEP. “This is where artificial intelligence com...
The Day After Tomorrow is an action-packed ecological disaster/survival film that follows a scientist as he tries to save his son during a catastrophic weather event. The movie explores themes of environmental destruction and the importance of family. With impressive special effects and a gripping ...
Galaxy Cruise—Your galactic journey as a citizen scientist Feb 19, 2020 Citizen scientists may be an untapped resource for water quality improvement Feb 11, 2020 As heat strikes, here's one way to help fight disease-carrying and nuisance mosquitoes Dec 11, 2019 Climate change science aided...