Citizen Kane: Directed by Orson Welles. With Joseph Cotten, Dorothy Comingore, Agnes Moorehead, Ruth Warrick. Following the death of publishing tycoon Charles Foster Kane, reporters scramble to uncover the meaning of his final utterance: 'Rosebud.'
公民凯恩 Citizen Kane [1941][剧情悬疑][美国] 小洋影视库 hi,我这里有一个关于《公民凯恩 Citizen Kane》的资源,不知道是你想要的么? 《公民凯恩 Citizen Kane》是由奥逊·威尔斯执导并主演,赫尔曼·J·曼凯维奇担任编剧的剧情悬疑片,主要演员还包括约瑟夫·科顿、多萝西·康明戈尔、阿格妮丝·摩尔海德等。 该片...
重发经典《公民凯恩|Citizen Kane (1941)》 导演/监制/编剧/主演 (荧幕第一作&代表作) 奥森·威尔士 (Orson Welles, 1915 - 1985) 🏆第14届奥斯卡最佳原著剧本奖和9项提名★ 美国电影学会1998年“百年百大电影”...
《公民凯恩》(Citizen Kane)500字观后感 《公民凯恩》是一部由奥逊·威尔斯执导、主演的黑白电影,于1941年上映,被认为是电影史上的经典之一。影片通过对主人公查尔斯·凯恩的一生进行回顾,深刻地探讨了权力、财富、孤独和失落等主题。观后感如下: 电影以一位财富巨大的报业大亨查尔斯·凯恩的死亡为开端,通过记者采访他...
试用预计金额计算器 CITIZEN KANE, 1941 A wooden ROSEBUD sled from the film directed by and starring Orson Welles. The antique hardwood sled is constructed of painted pine, the red painted seat with the stencilled word ROSEBUD above a stencilled single flower; the seat fastened to the two sled...
Kane Marries Salaambo's Aria Leland's Dismissal New Dawn Music Xanadu Jigsaws Second Xanadu Kane's Picnic Susan Leaves El Rancho The Glass Ball Finale The Night Xanadu Music Dawn 喜欢听"Citizen Kane (Score Re-recording Of 1941 Film)"的人也喜欢的唱片 ··· Vertigo: Original Motion Picture ...
Why Is "Citizen Kane" the Best Film of All Times? Anyone who sees "Citizen Kane" (1941) for the first time today does so because he or she has heard that it is the greatest film ever made. One simply doesn't come across the film by accident on TV, watching it "for what it is...
《公民凯恩》(英语:Citizen Kane,又译大国民)是奥逊·威尔斯于1940年拍摄,1941年由美国雷电华电影公司出品的剧情片。影片讲述报业大王查尔斯·福士特·凯恩的一生。由奥逊·威尔斯担任导演、制片、编剧(之一)以及主演。曾获得1941年美国电影科学与艺术学院奖(即奥斯卡奖)九项提名,并最终获得最佳原著剧本奖。这部...