7.同时引用多篇同一作者的不同文章,Two or More Works by the Same Author in the Same Parentheses:When your parenthetical citation includes two or more works from the same author, list the years of publication in sequence, with the earliest first. Provide in-press citations last. Only list aut...
APAStyle 3 Aswellasacknowledgingyoursources[bywriting“accordingtoSmith(2007)….”]youmustrecordexactlywhereeachideacamefrom.Thisiscalled“documenting”or“recording”yoursources.4 APAStyle TwostepstoDocumentingSources: In-textcitations…––i.e.written‘in’thetextofyouressay[Smith,2007.....
–"StudentsoftenhaddifficultyusingAPAstyle," (Jones,1998:57). APAStyle 9 Morethanoneauthor: TwoAuthors:Namebothauthorsinthe signalphraseorintheparentheseseach timeyoucitethework.Usetheword"and" betweentheauthors'nameswithinthetext anduse"&"intheparentheses. –ResearchbyWegenerandPetty(1994)showed....
The only exception to this occurs when doing so would create ambiguity (e.g., if two papers have first-listed authors with the same name). In these cases, list as many names as needed to differentiate the papers, followed by “et al.”...
Citing paraphrases: APA The APA format uses anauthor-date systemfor citing a paraphrased passage. This involves placing theauthor’s surname(last name) and theyear of publicationin parentheses, separated by a comma. An APA-style in-text citation for a work with two authors would look like ...
Print book E-book Translated book Edited book Audiobook Book from a database Multi-volume work Multiple authors or no author If you’re trying to cite a book, the Chegg Writing APA citation generator can help. Citing a print book in APA In-text citation template and example: Narrative Auth...
APA formats this information like this: Company name. (Year). Product name: Type of product info. Publisher location: Publisher. For example: Staples. (2014). Screen cleaning set: Instruction manual. Framingham, MA: Author. User Manuals With Authors or Outside Publishers When a product's ...
Frequently asked questions How do I cite an e-book in MLA? How do I cite an e-book in APA if no author is given? How do I cite a source in APA if two authors have the same last name? How do I cite an e-book with no page numbers?
In these instances, participants are able to see the visible manifestation of the group, the physical gathering, yet their ability to make direct, intimate connections with those around them is limited by the sheer magnitude of the assembly. (Purcell, 1997,pp. 211-212)Citing Paraphrases One ...
The authors name will appear in normal order (not reversed), separated from the other information with a comma. Publication data (City: Press, year) appears in parentheses, and no period is used until the very end of the citation. 15Ronald E. Pepin, Literature of Satire in the Twelfth ...