Why is the account name of a YouTube video included in the "other contributors" section of a MLA style citation? As per MLA style, the account name of the uploader is included in the “other contributors” section. More often than not, videos are uploaded by a person who is not the...
MLA in-text citations for poems When quoting a poem, the poet’s last name must be clearly stated so that the reader can locate the source in the Works Cited list. If you cite more than one poem by the same author, you also need to mention the title of the poem you are quoting....
2 authors The name of each author is listed. The word “and” is placed between the two names for narrative citations, and an ampersand (“&”) is used between the two names for parenthetical citations and references. 3 or more authors Use only the first author’s surname from the refe...
an inch from the top of the page Use double spacing throughout. Begin each entry at the left margin. If an entry runs more than one line, indent the subsequent lines one-half inch from the margin as hanging. For titles of works, capitalize the first word and all principal words. Alphab...
APAStyle 2 Inacademicwriting:AvoidPlagiarismby: Usingotherpeople’sideasBUTusingyourownwords;Usingyourownstructureandorganisationoftheessay;Acknowledging yoursources APAStyle 3 Aswellasacknowledgingyoursources[bywriting“accordingtoSmith(2007)….”]youmustrecordexactlywhereeachideacamefrom....
APAStyle 2 Inacademicwriting:AvoidPlagiarismby: Usingotherpeople’sideasBUTusingyourownwords;Usingyourownstructureandorganisationoftheessay;Acknowledging yoursources APAStyle 3 Aswellasacknowledgingyoursources[bywriting“accordingtoSmith(2007)….”]youmustrecordexactlywhereeachideacamefrom....