Citing an e-book in MLA style MLA recognizes the e-book format as a “version.” If you know the e-reader the e-book is being used on (e.g., Nook, Kindle, EPUB, etc.), that should be listed instead of “e-book.” In-text citation template and example: Narrative: Author Surnam...
Book (print) with multiple authors Rogers, P., & Lauper, C. (2016). Musical Vision. New York City, NY: Purple Press.Although it’s useful to have the basics of APA style in writing, so that you can refer to it to know the type of information you need to note for citations, the...
Edited book with an author/authorsWhen citing an edited source in APA, place the editor’s initials and last name in brackets immediately after the book’s title, followed by a comma and the abbreviation Ed. for one editor or Eds. for multiple editors.Structure: Author’s last name, ...
Journal articles with multiple authors Journal articles often have multiple authors. Author names should be listed in the order they appear at the head of the article (not in alphabetical order). In your notes, list up to three authors in full. When there are four or more authors, list onl...
Chicago Format: Annotated bibliography | Abstract | Block and direct quotes | Headings | Outline | Page numbers | Title page Citing in Chicago: In-text citations | Reference list | Footnotes | Citing Multiple Authors | Citing Sources with No Authors ... quote (a passage, book, author, etc.), esp. as an authority. mention in support, proof, or confirmation; refer to as an example:He cited instances of abuse. summon to appear in court. call to mind; recall:citing my gratitude to her. ...
pages on MLA In-Text Citations, Three or More Authors, Multiple Works by the Same Author, No Page Numbers. Provided by: Excelsior Online Writing Lab. Located at: License: CC BY: Attribution video Citation: A (Very) Brief Introduction . Authored by: libncsu....
Use the Chicago book chapter citation generator when you need to refer to a specific part of a book. Two authors citation (Kern and Wilders 2002, 121) Three authors citation (Curtis, Frank, and Zachary 2012, 34) Four or more authors in Chicago citation ...
In these instances, participants are able to see the visible manifestation of the group, the physical gathering, yet their ability to make direct, intimate connections with those around them is limited by the sheer magnitude of the assembly. (Purcell, 1997,pp. 211-212)Citing Paraphrases One ...
Along come the editors of the freshly released twenty-first edition ofThe Bluebook. In light of this troubling counting algorithm embedded in MS Word, they grant leave to practitioners, although not law review authors or editors, to squeeze all spaces out of reporter names. PerThe Bluebook(21s...