The MLA style supports an approach to citing that is known as parenthetical citation. In this method, whenever you quote or paraphrase a source in a sentence, you have to put the source information in parentheses within that sentence. You will typically be expected to put the brackets at the...
Easily cite an online magazine article in the style of your choice using the Chegg Writing citation generator. Citing an online magazine article in MLA style In-text citation template & example: (Author's last name) (O’Brien) Works cited entry example: O’Brien, Jeffrey M. “Business Gets...
A citation of any online dictionary or thesaurus should include the following information: headword of the entry cited (in quotes), title of... Find out more >
MLA Style and Format and Using Quotations - … 热度: How to Do a Works Cited Page MLA Style如何做一个网页引用MLA样式 热度: Citing Sources Using MLA This guide provides an overview for common bibliographic references. For more detailed information, see the MLA Handbookfor Writers of Research Pa...
Center the title, Works Cited, an inch from the top of the page Use double spacing throughout. Begin each entry at the left margin. If an entry runs more than one line, indent the subsequent lines one-half inch from the margin as hanging. ...