To create a reference or citation for a dictionary, you will need to know the dictionary name, definition word, accessed date, and URL. The examples below will show you how to cite a dictionary in MLA, APA, Chicago style, and Harvard referencing. Easily cite a dictionary in the style of...
Every citation has to be accompanied by a reference. Located at the end of the paper in the section titled “Work(s) Cited” in the MLA format, they have to provide a way to find the source. Generally, you have to list the author, the title of the source, the title of its contain...
MLA in-text citation: (Oxford Dictionary) Fullcitation: Oxford Dictionary of English. Version 3.5, WordWeb Software, 2017. How to Cite a Mobile App in Harvard Style Harvard in-text citation: (WordWeb Software 2017) Fullcitation: WordWeb Software, 2017.Oxford Dictionary of English.Mobile app. Ve...
“Flub.”Merriam-Webster, 2020, For more information on citing sources in MLA, also read these guides onMLA in-text citations
ABCChinese-EnglishDictionary(review) In lieu of an , here is a brief excerpt of the content: Jan W. WallsJan Walls is a professor of Chinese language and culture specializing in cross-cultural... Jan,W.,Walls - 《China Review International》 被引量: 0发表: 1998年 Sociological research on...
A citation of any online dictionary or thesaurus should include the following information: headword of the entry cited (in quotes), title of... Find out more >
The Works Cited Page – MLA Format This guide is a brief introduction to some of the most common types of citations using MLA style. The rules of citing materials using MLA style are developed by the Modern Language Association (MLA). For specific examples not ...
MLA Style and Format and Using Quotations - … 热度: How to Do a Works Cited Page MLA Style如何做一个网页引用MLA样式 热度: Citing Sources Using MLA This guide provides an overview for common bibliographic references. For more detailed information, see the MLA Handbookfor Writers of Research Pa...
Citing a translated book in MLA format MLA format works-cited entry template and examples: Translator Last Name, First Name, translator.Translated Title.By Author First Last Name, Publisher, Year Published. Clarke, Alan, translator.The Alchemist.By Paulo Coelho, HarperCollins, 1993. ...
Cite a magazine article using the citation templates and examples in this guide. There is information on APA, MLA, Chicago style, and Harvard referencing.