v. 1) to make reference to a decision in another case to make a legal point in argument. 2) to give notice of being charged with a minor crime and a date for appearance in court to answer the charge rather than being arrested (usually given by a police officer). (See:citation) ...
cite example,cite case 英-汉英-英网络释义 citing n.v. 1.〈口〉例证,引文 例句: 19 AlmosthalfoftheITpeoplesurveyedsaidthey'renotreadytosupportamoremobileworkforce,citingsecurityas thebiggestconcern. 受访的IT人士中几乎一半表示,他们对如何支持移动性更强的工作者还没准备好,安全是最大的隐患。
b.LawTo refer to (a previous court decision or other legal precedent), as when arguing a case. 2.To mention or bring forward as support, illustration, or proof:cited several instances of insubordinate behavior. 3. a.To commend officially for meritorious action in military service. ...
How to cite a conference paper in APA Style How to cite a court case in APA Style How to cite a dictionary in APA Style How to cite a dissertation in APA Style How to cite a government website or report in APA Style How to cite a journal article in APA Style How to cite a law...
Citeis most often encountered in the sense of "to name in acitation"—that is, a line or short section taken from a piece of writing or a speech; it may also mean "to mention as an example" or "to order to appear in a court of law."Citeis from the Latincitare, "to rouse, ...
“Pornhub maintains the absolute best trust and safety measures on the internet and takes special care to ensure it does not violate any of YouTube’s Community Guidelines,” the company said in a statement. “Unfortunately, this is just the latest example of discrimination against those in the...
Lawyers blame ChatGPT for tricking them into citing bogus case lawFILE - The ChatGPT app is displayed on an iPhone in New York, May 18, 2023.A judge is deciding whether to sanction two lawyers who blamed ChatGPT for tricking them into including fictitious legal research in a court filing...