You may think Los Angeles traffic is bad, but when it comes to the 2021 edition of theTomTom Traffic Indexreport, it doesn't even rank in the top 50. In fact, of all the cities on Earth, only one American metropolis even makes such a list. So which cities earned the dubious distinc...
The data reveals that Greensboro, North Carolina is the most traffic-free metro area with commuters spending only four hours annually in congestion. Meanwhile, big cities with clogged streets ranked at the bottom, with commuters in Atlanta, Georgia, spending 102 hours annually stuck in traffic. Th...
The Health Effects Institutes'State of Global Air surveyshowed that the entire population of Bangladesh — around 168 million people — has been consistently exposed to unhealthy levels of fine particulates in the air since 1990. 38. Zaozhuang, China VCG / Getty Images A traffic policeman directs...
U.S. drivers spent 4.8 billion hours stuck in traffic in 2022, costing an average of $869 in lost time, and that doesn’t even include fuel costs.
Most of the cities struggling with the worst traffic congestion are some of their respective countries’ largest economic hubs including: New York, London, Paris, Mexico City, Rome, Istanbul, and Cape Town. These economic centers are characterized by large populations, a high density of businesses...
Roughly 40 miles west of Boston, Worcester ranked as the nation's most dangerous city for drivers, who get into accidents here every 4.3 years. See the full report on America's Best Drivers at Allstate. MORE FROM WEATHER.COM: America's 10 Worst-Traffic Cities in 2014...
The 100 best cities in the world have been ranked for 2024 based on livability, lovability and prosperity. We take a look at the results
A MoneyGeek study found that cities with the worst commutes featured expensive gas prices, heavy traffic, slow rush hour speeds and high auto accident rates.
Many of the cities with the worst traffic in the U.S. are also the country's most popular vacation destinations. Think twice before renting a car there.
But no matter the time of year, some municipalities see higher rates of traffic incidents than others. If you’re from a city with a reputation for poor driving, it’s possible that this reputation is corroborated by the data. Interested in which cities are home to the worst drivers, the...