Another ancient city lies beneath the streets of Nottingham , England . The City of Caves was carved into sandstone so soft that the material can be shaped with simple hand tools . Unlike Derinkuyu , it didn't use existing caves but instead was cut ...
From the thrill of fresh powder on the mountain top to the peace of a twilight stroll through a gorgeous medieval town, Europe is a place that stimulates your sense of curiosity. Through shared history, cultural diversity, and natural beauty, this continent inspires connections, experiences and ...
Nestled between Keong Saik Road and Bukit Pasoh Road is Duxton Plain Park, where the Shrine of Sharifah Rogayah lies. The curious coffin-shaped shrine is located right against the back doors of a row of shophouses and is well-tended. It is dedicated to Sharifah Rogayah, the granddaughter ...
Because of its unique geography, Potosi is known for the surrounding silver mines that have shaped the landscape and local culture. With a local guide, you can visit the old Cerro Rico mine, and hear first-hand about the hardships of working here. To learn about more local history, head...
Today, Ren runs a barbershop in the town center, a business shaped by the steady tide of BYD employees spilling into Jixian. Her small establishment is just one among 594 stores that now dot Jixian and the neighboring town of Jiufeng — six times the number in 2018,accordingto domestic medi...
Chengdu’s busy factories produce tools, trucks, agricultural machinery, paper, cement, ball bearings, and electronic goods.Chengdu has shaped an industrial machine majored in machine,metallurgic industry, electron,food and mild material industry. It has also shaped a farm sideline production machine...
About a decade ago, the term "resilience planning" became ubiquitous inclimatecircles. That shift, in the wake of increasingly unpredictable events, was shaped in part by the Rockefeller Foundation's100 Resilient Cities program, a six-year, $160 million effort to establish chief resilience officers...
This is the most famous monument of ancient Rome, and it was built in the 80’s. However, there is another Colosseum in the Eternal City, the square shaped Palazzo della Civiltà Italiana. The commoners refer to it as Colosseo Quadrato. The place is non-touristic for the reason that it...
In an interview with ArchDaily,Wiki Worldshared their approach to workshop design and organizational processes, drawing from both their expertise and the fresh perspectives gained from their young participants. They discussed how their views on nature and community design have shaped their work, their...
24AncientCities moreprogressivethanmanyofitscounterpartson theothersideoftheAtlantic,Amsterdamisnolon- gertheradicallyprogressivecitythatitseemedinthe 1970s.Infact,severalotherEuropeancitiesnow haveasmuchprogressivepotentialasAmsterdam. Nonetheless,Amsterdamremainssignificantasboth ...