By 2030, 60 percent of the world’s population is expected to live in big cities. How all those people live, and what their lives are like, will___important choices leaders make today and in the coming years. Technology has the power to help people live in communities that are more___...
“[H]istory does not necessarily disappear if old buildings are lost” (p. 275)—with this statement, Jinnai,2020characterizes Tokyo quite differently. Through his “eco-history”, the Japanese capital becomes an “environment-friendly, sustainable and truly affluent [water] city suitable for the ...
as they do not pay equal attention to all aspects, stages, and scales of food systems. Circular Prague 2030 and Strategy #brno2050 accentuate the circular economy, that is, using short supply chains, lowering food’s ecological footprint, and reducing and reusing food waste. The two cities’...
trying to work out whether the rise in home-working that has occurred during COVID-19 will continue when the virusebbs. If it does, many service jobs in cities, from waiters to taxi drivers, will disappear. Public-transport systems will struggle. The value of city-centre property will drop...
allowing for the spontaneous emergence of species assemblages (i.e., natural succession) will not only increase species diversity but can also give rise to complementary effects by selecting for species assemblages that efficiently partition their resource use61. This could, in turn, enhance functional...
Abstract All regions of the global are experiencing unstable weather and climate conditions that are unfavorable for human well-being and which place a disproportionate burden on the poor, people of color, people who live in the global south and marginalized groups. Societal risks of extreme events...
by authority and governing through partnership. When characterised by governing through volunteering, projects were always initiated by the city, but then run formally by an NGO. While all governing modes may have a role and a purpose in the sharing economy, it is still important that cities ...
They use techniques that transform research participants into active co-creators or collaborators, they let them take the lead and they learn from them to find out how new solutions, products and services, co-created with the communities and for the communities, could improve their lives. As ...
the operation of both for-profit and not-for-profit businesses, and the fund management of leveraging multiple parties to raise funds and reinvesting the profits locally. The extensive support provided by the Shimizusawa Social Enterprise that creates not only economic value but also social value ...
that Sentinel-2, Landsat 8, and Landsat 5 imagery perform well in LCZ classification with an overall accuracy usually exceeding 80%, and Sentinel-2 displays marginally superior performance. Temporal analysis reveals that the built-up classes of Open low-rise and Open mid-rise have increased by ...