2 - You can upgrade your industry to require more educated workers by placing schools next to them. No joke 3 - You can replace uneducated, polluting industry with office zones, but they tend to be really, really bland. 4 - You can forgo industry completely if you place sufficient cargo ...
When your city is pretty big, you may face the not enough goods to sell Cities Skylines issue: In this… Continue Reading → How to Fix Cities Skylines not Enough Educated Workers Issue Cities Skylines TipsLeave a comment On the stages of your city’s rapid development, you may notice the...
In Cities: Skylines, you take control of planning and constructing your metropolis from start to finish. Decide on transport routes, funding, and management from top to bottom.
Cities: Skylines II Free Download PC Game Cracked in Direct Link and Torrent. Cities: Skylines II - Raise a city from the ground up and transform it into
Expand industry education: Businesses in Cities: Skylines require educated workers to function efficiently. Encourage higher education by building more schools, universities, and other educational facilities. An educated populace will result in more productive industries, which in turn can supply a greater...
Dangerous mods have been found in Cities: Skylines. We explain what happened and why game mods should be treated with caution.
skylines* -- a city-building simulator that gets almost everything right, delivering the game that wannabe town planners have been waiting for for more than ten years. it all begins with an open field, of course. you get a plot of empty land and a highway exit, and it's your job ...
All buildings have more workplaces and some have a bit different requirements as for what education levels are required. There is no formula used, all have been set manually taking into consideration various aspects. Some have only slightly more workers, but some have many more. You need to ...
城市天际线(CIties Skylines)常用mod分类 这个思维导图是我整理汇总Steam创意工坊里面热度最高、订阅人数最多、综合质量最好的部分模组。每个具体模组前都有不同的标识,并在图片右下角对这些标识做了响应的说明。 我将它们大致分为了音乐滤镜类、信息获取类、整体优化类、道路相关类、财政经济类、放置、编辑工具类、...