Cities: Skylines Wiki 来自Cities: Skylines Wiki 跳到导航 跳到搜索 The Cities: SkylinesCommunity Wiki Latest news 加载视频 YouTube YouTube可能会收集个人数据。 隐私政策 继续关闭 Game history 2024-10-24 - Patch 1.18.1 released (alongside Mountain Village) 2023-10-24 - Cities Skylines 2 release...
Tutorial videos Cities Skylines channel Governance Milestones Zoning Districts Policies Info views Services Traffic Infrastructure Roads Transportation Service buildings Landscaping Parks and Plazas Unique buildings Monuments Concepts Citizens Happiness ...
The problem Cities: Skylines has in the lack of systemic action. Cities will ebb and flow with citizens, exports and taxes but there’s very little seismic change to force you to react on the fly. The old SimCity games had their share of systems to juggle, but they were always balanced...