创作者承担了大部分繁重的工作:他们在Paradox Interactive的支持下对建筑物进行建模、贴图和部件制作,最后由Colossal Order协助将资产导入游戏。这意味着创作者包只需要Colossal Order团队完成导入工作,而不会影响他们为《Cities: Skylines II》开发的其他内容。 计划在第二季度推出的创作者包是否会推迟? 目前,计划在第二...
Cities: Skylines 2 - Alpha DLSS Enabler This mods enables the experimental DLSS support. WARNING! When I say experimental, I mean it. Bunch of graphical artifacts are introduced when you activate this mod, as it's not properly implemented yet. Personally I experienced ~10 FPS on average incre...
2 packs de créateurs de contenu (Urban Promenades/Modern Architecture) Contenant plus de 30 éléments chacun, ces packs donneront de la personnalité à votre ville. Conçus par deux des créateurs préférés de la communauté de Cities: Skylines, ces packs mettent en valeur le talent ar...
Subscribing to Mods on Steam Workshop: The Steam Workshop is an excellent resource for finding and subscribing to Cities Skylines 2 mods. To access the Workshop, visit the Cities Skylines 2 game page in your Steam library and click on “Browse the Workshop.” Once you’ve found a mod yo...
Windows (with quotation marks):"<path-to-game>\Cities2.exe" %command% Game data•Link Configuration file(s) location•Link SystemLocation Windows%USERPROFILE%\AppData\LocalLow\Colossal Order\Cities Skylines II Microsoft Store%USERPROFILE%\AppData\LocalLow\Colossal Order\Cities Skylines II ...
Cities: Skylines 2 Release Date Cities: Skylines 2 System Requirements Cities: Skylines 2 Map Size and Location Cities: Skylines 2 PlayStation 5 Release Cities: Skylines 2 Xbox Release Cities: Skylines 2 Geforce Now Support Cities: Skylines 2 Xbox Game Pass Cities: Skylines 2 20...
The studio behind Cities: Skylines 2 wants to focus on bigger patches that bring more fixes together rather than smaller, quicker patches.
When is the Cities Skylines 2 release date? After several years of support for the first game and a current-generation port, Cities Skylines is finally getting an ambitious sequel. This article will have everything you need to know about it from the new gameplay additions to the trailers righ...
✅ Install Cities Skylines 2 from Microsoft Store:I was given Cities Skylines 2 on CD for Christmas. Unfortunately my laptop doesn't have a CD drive.Is it possible to install from the Microsoft Store...
Cities: Skylines - Nintendo Switch™ Edition Slide 1 of 6 This is a modal window. Failed to fetch This is a modal window. Failed to fetch Nintendo Switch Sale ends: 2/10/25 at 03:59 p.m. GMT+8 This item will be sent to your system automatically after purchase. ...