2、模组名称:Any Road Outside Connections 模组用途:所有道路可外部连接 3、模组名称:Crossings 模组用途:手动增加人行道 4、模组名称:Extra Train Station Tracks( ETST ) 模组用途:允许高架火车站/增加铁轨种类 5、模组名称:Fine Road Tool 2 汉化版(神级) 模组用途:强制道路地面、桥梁、高架、隧道模式/精准提...
Water management in Cities: Skylines 2 will be familiar to players of the first game. Players will have to manage the water demands of their citizens, while also dealing with sewage generated by all buildings. Players will also have to take care and make sure that their water source doesn’...
1、耕地和森林資源是可再生的,反應到遊戲中就是幾乎不會被消耗掉。 石油和礦產會逐漸消耗,但石油和礦產特定工業區的收入很可觀的。 農業區和林業區的工業建築不會產生污染。但職位數相對比較少。 2、每個區域可以設定各自的法令政策,可以把商業區和住宅區也設定成常規分類。 開啟特定的法令來節約開支或者能源。 這...
1、基本信息 遊戲提供了從平原到河灣,從海濱到沙洲的各類地圖。 不同的地圖有不同的資源分佈和交通狀況。 玩家需要根據自己的發展意向和喜好來選擇地圖。 資源分為石油、礦物、農業、森林和水體。 這些都是維持城市運轉,發展工商業和農業的基本資源。 例如你要建造以工業為主的城市,自然需要更多的石油和礦產資源。
但如果經由Steam模組化的繁體中文化,日後相信更新語言包也會十分方便。 在此呼籲一下,如果英文不錯的朋友,建議可以為繁體中文化出一分力,詳情可以到Steam這個《大都會:天際線》(Cities: Skylines) 繁體中文化模組的詳細簡介中找到相關的協助方式,暫時已100%中文化,如發現錯處,可協助作者修正。
在这篇文章中,我们整理并概述了《城市天际线》(Cities: Skylines)中的一些关键模组,以帮助玩家更好地享受游戏体验。以下是各类模组的简要说明:一、无碰撞类模组 Building Anarchy(神级):去除或改变建筑物位置要求,实现建筑无碰撞。Fine road anarchy 2 汉化版(神级):去除或改变道路交汇方式,...
2 Cities: Skylines invites you to create the city of your dreams in a sprawling landscape dominated by cloud hugging structures and jaw dropping architectural marvels. 3 Developed by Colossal Order, Cities: Skylines offers sprawling landscapes and maps with endless sandbox gameplay and new ways to ...
本次送出的是《城市:天际线 - 绿色都市》Cities: Skylines - Green ... 分享7834 邯郸吧 曲梁神韵 ...以水之名汇聚水神之力,Water For Thirsty Cities!”河北分会场...根据活动规则,经志愿者认真统计核对,现将“【世界水日】以水之名汇聚水神之力,Water For Thirsty Cities!”河北分会场获奖名单公布:【...
Skylines Mods download can be completed easily without putting much effort. All you need to do is save the file to your PC and follow the instructions. There should be any problem with that, so no worries. Huge mass of players is using Cities: Skylines Mods around the world, so you shou...
You are using a pirated or old version of Cities: Skylines You are using an older version of the mod You are using any mod by Holy Water (due to malware targeted at our team) TM:PE is only tested on and updated for the latest version of Cities: Skylines. ...