关注中国官方账号: 关注bilibili官号“都市天际线2",了解第一手资讯: 关注抖音官号“都市天际线2”,聊最新短视频:https://v.d...
Covering 8 regions, with more than 2500 assets, we present the free Region Packs!
2 packs de créateurs de contenu (Urban Promenades/Modern Architecture) Contenant plus de 30 éléments chacun, ces packs donneront de la personnalité à votre ville. Conçus par deux des créateurs préférés de la communauté de Cities: Skylines, ces packs mettent en valeur le talent ar...
Thanks to CityRat for the Thumbnail. Support and Contact Check out the Custom Asset Pack Repository to start publishing your own assets. Feel free to ask for help in the Cities Skylines Modding Discord or create an issue on this repository for help....
Region Packs Teaser Trailer - Cities:Skylines II精致而苍老的小猪 广东 5 打开网易新闻 体验效果更佳杜熊的枪头输了,对面炸了锅! 蜻蜓世音 413跟贴 打开APP 这绝对是华语乐坛最大的遗憾,歌手好不容易唱火的歌,却无法再唱 超凡音乐 1599跟贴 打开APP 网络红人姜涛恶心郭德纲,跪舔英达,解气惨被淘汰 科普...
Windows (with quotation marks):"<path-to-game>\Cities2.exe" %command% Game data•Link Configuration file(s) location•Link SystemLocation Windows%USERPROFILE%\AppData\LocalLow\Colossal Order\Cities Skylines II Microsoft Store%USERPROFILE%\AppData\LocalLow\Colossal Order\Cities Skylines II ...
游戏介绍 Check out the Ultimate 2020 Bundle and start building cities like a pro with some of Cities: Skylines' most essential expansions and packs! From heavy industries to sustainable solutions, new transit systems on land, sea, and air, and more radio stations and content creator packs than...
Dangerous mods have been found in Cities: Skylines. We explain what happened and why game mods should be treated with caution.
Locals elected you as their new leader, and their voices are loud and clear: lessen oil dependence, fix traffic, and build a flourishing region that can be the envy of the world! 5.3MB 2 265 Caucasia (empty map) Maps Uploaded: 26 Jul 2024 Last Update: 26 Jul 2024 Author: purpl...
Lass dich von verschiedenen Regionen aus der ganzen Welt inspirieren – mit Cities Skylines „World Tour“ Dieses Paket enthält zwei Content Creator Packs und zwei Radiosender. Details Heart of Korea Erweitere deine Stadt mit Heart of Korea, einem